caveat - this is a joke

I want to be very careful with what I post as it is possible to cause hurt without intending to do it at all. But there is a balance where the fear of getting it wrong prevents trying to get it right. I'm not sure there is a place at all for black humour with the terrible situation re covid but the following is intended to hold a wider point. I would have if possible given my place in the queue for the vaccine to someone else but it is possible at the moment. I also want and need to get back to some sort of normal living for my sake and those I try in a small way to help. At the moment the only way seems to accept the vaccination as a pathway back to normality, but if only things had been very different. I am acutely aware that there will be many people, perhaps some or many reading this who will not enjoy the privilege of living in a country where access to the vaccine or healthcare is as the case in the UK, (not yet at least), and if I can get to the sort of campaigning I have done in the past, I promise I will do my level best as far as my abilities and the opportunities allow to try to work for a kinder better more just and above all safe world for everyone in it.

I hope the following raises a laugh while highlighting a deeper point, but if anyone is uncomfortable, just please do let me know and I will immediately delete the post

it is baby steps as they say for me using this platform, I am just at the beginning of learning how to use it as it should be used. so if you can offer me any advice along the way or see any missteps I have taken I would be very grateful indeed if you could let me know and I will correct them immediately. Please help me use this wonderful platform for creativity more effectively .Its always better to be in fifth gear than first as they say! (which is why I always preferred the motorway to quiet roads but that's another story..._

most importantly of all, bless you all, please keep safe and take care


I have today being called up for the jab. But what is not to like? Today I am dirt poor, but tomorrow, if what some have said is true, I will wake up as one of the richest people in the world owning a multi billion tech empire. so what's not to like? sorry you know this is a joke but I am incredibly sad and angry that people need this more than me in the UK and around the world, I did say this, and I have tried writing to the Government last year suggesting what needed to be done, first letter sent !2th March 2020, I did try but I didn't try hard enough, I promise I will try to do better, it is so important that the kind and caring people of the world which I try to be, run the show for the benefit and everyone else and those harmed in different ways by life

so tomorrow you can call me 'Bill' instead, sorry I am just joking, please keep calling me Bob

with very best wishes to you all

please keep safe

take care

Happy Easter!

the best is yet to come!

Bill no sorry Bob-

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Bob Goodall

Artist at self-emplyed

3 年

Update -I have some good news for Bill Gates Reluctantly because I do feel others should have been vaccinated before me both here and definitely around the world. I don't know what its like elsewhere but here in the UK a lot of this is based on numerical age rather than others factors. I read somewhere once about biological age. Different people have different challenges and if a younger person has additional challenges to someone older, or they may be more at risk they really should be ahead in the queue for vaccination. I am also very unhappy, more than that, that the UK has used its buying power to put itself before poorer countries for vaccinations. I think there is term called moral hazard, and this I think applies here, we have done the wrong thing, putting ourselves before others is not how the world should operate anyway the good news for Bill Gates is that I had the vaccination today and I haven't so far turned into him so he can sleep peacefully at night I wish everyone everywhere every peace and protection this Easter and at all times the best is yet to come the world will get better and become what it could be before -man-, deliberate use of word messed it all up bless you all take care best wishes Bob



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