The Cauvery River water dispute is one of the most longstanding and contentious water conflicts in India. The dispute is over sharing of water from The Cauvery River, which flow through the southern India states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
The dispute began in the late 19th century when the British Colonial government established a system for the allocation of water from The Cauvery River to the neighbouring princely states of Mysore and Madras. After India gained independence in 1947 the allocation of water from the Cauvery River became a mater of negotiation between the newly formed states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
The current phase of the Cauvery water dispute began in the 1980s, when Karnataka began constructing a series of dams and canals on the Cauvery River to irrigate its farmlands. Tamil Nadu argued that these constructions reduced the amount of water flowing downstream to its own farmlands and demanded a large share of the water.
Efforts to resolve the dispute have included negotiations between the two states as well as the involvement of the federal government and the courts. The dispute has been the subject of numerous court cases including several that have been heard by the supreme court of India.
One of the key issues in the dispute is the interpretation of the Cauvery River water tribunals final award which was issues in 2007. The award allocated a specific amount of water to each state and also established a monthly schedule for the release of water from the Karnataka reservoirs to Tamil Nadu. However the award has been the subject of much controversy with both states disputing its interpretation.
The Cauvery Water dispute has led to numerous protest and violent clashes between supporters of the two states. In 2016 the supreme court of India issued a larger amount of water to Tamil Nadu sparking protest and violence in both states the ruling was later modified in response to Karnataka’s appeal.
The dispute has also had significant economic impacts, particularly on the agricultural region, and farmers in both states depend heavily on the river for irrigation.
Efforts to resolve The Cauvery Water dispute have continued with both states engaging in negotiations and the central government attempting to facilitate a resolution. In 2018, the supreme court of India issued a ruling that modified the allocation of water between the two states and established a new schedule for the release of water from the Karnataka reservoirs to Tamil Nadu.
Despite these efforts The Cauvery Water dispute remain unresolved and tensions between the two states continue to simmer. The dispute highlights the complex challenges associated with managing water resources in India, where competing demands for water from different sectors can lead to conflicts and tension.