CAUTION: Fad Diets Can Be Hazardous to Your Health By Tony DeFrancisco

CAUTION: Fad Diets Can Be Hazardous to Your Health By Tony DeFrancisco DECEMBER 30, 2019ACKMANSCAM ED

CAUTION: Fad Diets Can Be Hazardous to Your Health By Tony DeFrancisco


 It’s almost January 1st and one of the first goals millions of Americans will be making is to lose weight. How many of us make that goal and then fail? Now there is a program to create quick and permanent results. Not just weight loss, but most importantly, fat loss.

Way back in November, 1978, in the wake of the Liquid Protein Fad diet, I wrote this article for our local newspaper, The Press-Enterprise in Berwick, Pa. This article evoked a tremendous response in our community and was picked up by other newspapers in our region and state. Many people thanked me publicly for saving them from the ravages of a disastrous scam called Liquid Protein.

Now, 41 + years later, the gimmicky, fad diets and products still abound. This is an edited version of that article I wrote so many years ago Read on. Comments welcome….

CAUTION: Fad Diets Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

By Tony DeFrancisco

Over 45 years ago, I began using the high protein/low carb protein shakes to make weight for powerlifting events. Previous attempts at losing weight were futile. I lost weight. But I also lost strength, energy and muscle.

With the protein shakes, I was able to lose 28 lbs in 2 weeks with no loss in strength, broke state and national records and was ranked 2nd in the world in my weight class – 165 lb division.

In 1976, I became a weight control consultant/wellness coach and began marketing a meal replacement program called Slender Now and Slender Now was the world’s first diet shake. The diet shake has become the most successful weight loss program of all time.

The original Slender Now program was a high protein/low carb diet shake. Fat literally melted off. In 1980, Herbalife came out with a virtually identical diet shake only with added herbs and a more complete program. Once again the results were off the charts. Today most diet shakes are higher in carbs. Sadly, this impedes fat loss.

Over the last 45 years, the two most successful weight loss programs have been Slender Now and the original Herbalife program from 1980 to 1985. Both were high protein/low carb programs.

Things have not changed a whole lot since 1976. There are still diet fads and gimmicks out there. And even with the the proliferation of diet shakes and other diet programs, today in 2019, there are more people overweight than ever before.

The liquid protein program was a dangerous fad diet program that recorded over 1,000 deaths. It was a extremely low 330 calorie program which included no real food. The protein was a low quality source (Collagen) which didn’t even provide adequate amounts of protein.

Over the weekend I was looking at products sold in stores. The Keto shakes. I was surprised to see that these low cost products are using Collagen protein. This is much like the liquid protein gimmick of the 1970s.

Unfortunately many people have fallen prey to huksters and promoters of gimmicky products and diet plans, some of which are very dangerous. In the 1970’s, we had the liquid protein fad which in turn caused over 1,000 reported deaths. In the 1990s we had the fat burner products using dangerous ingredients like Mau Huang and Ephedra which also resulted in approximately 1,000 deaths.

Today (as mentioned above) there are still companies that use collagen protein (the ingredient in the liquid protein programs) and stimulants similiar to what was in the Fat Burner products of the 1990s. Some of the OTC Keto programs also use low quality protein sources such as collagen. Many use cheap ingredients. No wonder they are cheap. But are they safe? Hardly.

Many companies use stimulants to speed your metabolism. This is much like the dangerous fat burner products of the 1990s. These can be very dangerous.

Also, some are using herbal ingredients to cleanse your system. These are like super laxatives. Do they cleanse? Yes. But do you really need to cleanse everyday? Hardly. Do you take your car to have your oil changed everyday? No.

A potential problem with these herbal cleansing programs is that while they get rid of excess fecal matter, done to excess they can also get rid of essential nutrients and could leave you nutritionally depleted. And the weight lost is not fat. It’s fecal matter.

With the high protein programs like the new Extreme Shake, fat burning (Thermogenisis) is enhanced naturally without the use of dangerous stimulants. And you also get rid of excess fluids. High protein diets are like natural diuretics.

Moreoever, high protein programs helps you to retain lean tissue. Women have better figures. Men look more athletic. There is a big improvement in the condition of the hair, nails and skin. People look healthier because they are. This never happens with typical diet programs.

Over the years, I worked in hospitals both in PA and here in FL and saw people doing all kinds of dangerous things to lose weight. From thyroid and other shots to diet pills and starvation diets.

Today we still have dangerous diets that purport to stall the hunger so you lose weight. Does it work? Yes. Is it safe? Hardly.



The ideal diet program is one that provides the macro nutrients, protein, carbohydrates and essential fatty acids plus fiber and the micro nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Should be at least 1,000 calories and Include real food. Also the program that creates weight loss should be very similar to what you use to maintain your weight otherwise you will merely regain the weight you lost.

PLEASE NOTE: Time has proven that the best results for fat loss come with a Low Carb/High Protein program. Notice I did not say zero carbs. Your body needs some carbs.

And real foods lets you enjoy life while you are dieting. How many times have you been on a diet and lamented, “I can’t wait until I take this weight off so I can go back to eating some foods I love.”

I have lost over 105 lbs using a 50-30-20 program after failing miserably for years, that also included stimulants and herbal cleansing and I got to eat the foods I love. I lost weight. BUT…I also lost muscle and had flab hanging around.

I have also noticed that proponents of the 50-30-20 program also had flab hanging especially in certain areas. Why do you think they always wear short sleeves only in their before pictures and long sleeves and are fully dressed in their after pictures? To cover up the flab. That’s why.


In recent years, the Keto programs have become very successful, not just for weight loss but more importantly, for fat loss.

When you increase your protein intake and restrict carbs, your body goes to it’s fat stores for energy. This results in rapid fat loss and the transformation is nothing short of sensational.

High protein programs also improve satiety and fat burning capacity (Thermogenisis) as compared to conventional dieting. Moreover, those on high protein programs tend to lose more actual fat while maintaining lean tissue. People tone up while they slim down.

This is why I am so excited about the new EXTREME SHAKE by CTFO. It is a high protein/low carb Keto friendly shake. I just got mine and lost 5 lbs in one day. Others are reporting 5-10 lb losses with rapid inch loss around fat accumulation areas in days!!!!

This product also tastes delicious. It cost only $35 for 15 meals.

Slender Now and Herbalife created weight and inch losses that up to that time were impossible. Now we have a product that is even better. Why?

Both Slender Now and Herbalife used soy protein as well as other alergic ingredients. Extreme Shake uses whey protein. Also Extreme Shake contains prebiotics, probiotics for intestinal flora and sensoril for satiety and well being. No allergic ingredients. No stimulants.

Also in 1985, Herbalife switched to a modified higher carb program which is now the 50-30-20 program. Herbalife owns market share in the diet shake industry. Consequently, other marketers of diet shakes also copied and promoted the higher carb, 50-30-20 system. It was a case of new companies being just ME TOO companies. In my opinion, the 50-30-20 or 40-30-30 variation are better for weight maintenance, not necessarily for weight loss. And definitely not for fat loss.

Interesting that as soon as higher carbs were introduced, fat loss slowed. Now with the Extreme Shake rapid fat loss will be possible again.

Always have at least one meal a day eating fish or meat, veggies and a salad. Also I include grains daily with my daily serving of oatmeal. With the new CTFO weight loss program, you will also receive a 14 day menu guide that shows you real foods to eat with the shake, that are delicious, low carb, keto friendly, high protein and promote fast fat loss.

Here are some other tips:

For quick and safe weight loss, replace two meals a day with a low calorie healthy meal replacement. Be sure that the meal replacement you use is high protein quality protein and not a high carbohydrate drink. It should include protein, low carbs and essential fats. Many of the popular shakes may contain one of the macro nutrients, but not all and are usually low quality using cheap ingredients. Some are also dangerous.

What you will experience

You won’t be hungry. You will feel full. Your energy will skyrocket. You will see and feel yourself getting trimmer. Your body will tighten up and be firmer. No flab. Your skin and hair will look better. People will tell you that you look younger.

Watch out for other products

Also look out for the popular shakes sold over the counter which are merely low calorie drinks highly sweetened with sugar. I’ve tried those. I lost weight all right but also had flab hanging all over. And ended up with my skin breaking out and my teeth ached from the large amount of sugar used to make these shakes taste good. I was also hungry, tired and irritable.


“Since the Connecticut Regional, I’ve lost more than 20 pounds (about 1 month) using the CTFO Keto Extreme Shakes and, since the Reno Regional, by adding the Keto Creamer. These are the first products I’ve ever used that really helped me lose the pounds! Amazing!” – Dick Pritchard

“I stepped up my hair care, skin care, weight and healthcare with products that cost no more than drug store product pricing. And the results are sooooo much better! Shiny, healthy hair (reduced hair loss and four inches of new growth in 5 months!), my metabolism Is ramped up again allowing me to lose and maintain my ideal weight. Thicker brows and lashes and skin is glowing! Pains are gone and overall health is better!! Yep, this 58 year-old grandma is a happy camper. Thank you CTFO for taking care of us all!!!! Vicki Dodson”

This program is especially beneficial to anyone who suffers with stubborn weight loss. The pounds and inches just melt off.

For a real treat, mix it with sugar free Almond milk. Adds extra protein and tastes delicious.

Program should provide a vitamin and mineral supplement and especially high in B vitamins. These are crucial during weight loss. Vitamin B-6 in particular aids in tranquility, a major issue for anyone who has dieted and removes excess water. It has been determined that for every pound of weight lost, the dieter will gain a pound and a half of water. B6 helps eliminate excess fluids.

CTFO launched a 10X Pure Ultimate Vit/Min supplement that assures maximum absorption of the nutrients. With most vitamin supplements, it ends up in the toilet.

The final part of this program is the KETO-CREAMER. Imagine a creamer that you put into coffee, tea or cocoa and it immediately speeds up fat loss, makes you feel full and gives you an energy boost (even when mixed with decaf coffee) That’s what this does. If you’re a coffee or tea drinker, just add it to your morning drink. I put it right in the shake. It makes it creamier and tastier


“I’m down another 2 lbs for a total of 12 lbs in 3 weeks!!! This Creamer is my new best friend!!!” – Martha Herring

Both the KETO-CREAMER AND EXTREME SHAKE are rich in MCT OIL. Why is this important? It helps with energy & weight loss.


Why helps in Weight Loss:


There are several reasons why MCT (Medium Chain Triglyceride) oil may be beneficial when you’re trying to lose weight.


In a study we’ve found, MCT oil has been shown to increase the release of two hormones that promote the feeling of fullness in the body: peptide YY and leptin.


The same study also discovered a lower rise in triglycerides and glucose with MCT oil, which may also influence the feeling of fullness.


The MCTs offset the carbs. MCT oil may support weight loss by increasing fullness, fat loss, energy burning, ketone production and by improving your gut environment.


Additionally, taking MCT oil has been shown to significantly reduce body weight and waist circumference. Researchers even report that it could help prevent obesity.


MCT oil has about 10% fewer calories than long-chain triglycerides (LCTs), which are found in foods such as olive oil, nuts and avocados. Your body also processes MCTs differently, which may help you burn calories.


MCTs can be converted into ketones, which are produced from the breakdown of fat when carb intake is low. If you’re following a ketogenic diet, which is very low in carbs yet high in fat, then taking MCT oil can help you stay in the fat-burning state known as ketosis.


Lastly, your gut environment is very important when it comes to your weight. MCT oil can help optimize the growth of good bacteria and support the gut lining, which could also help you lose weight.


One study found that people taking two tablespoons of MCT oil as part of their breakfast ended up eating less food for lunch. The same study also discovered a lower rise in triglycerides and glucose with MCT oil, which may also influence the feeling of fullness.



“Good Morning, This stuff is great has a great taste not overpowering. It actually got a smooth taste it’s got a slight taste of vanilla. No more adding 1 tablespoon of creamer to my coffee didn’t use but 1 Splenda pack when I usually use 3 packs. Well worth $35 for a month’s supply.” – Tammy Pitman

Other things to look for. Does the promoter of the product or program offer Free Coaching or counseling?

I have bought many programs from stores as well as other sources and never found this to be, except in one case, the company I am working with now. Typically they will sell you the product and say, “Good luck. You are on your own.” Not with us.

Drink water every day and throughout the day.

Eat real foods.

Exercise. Both cardio and weights. Both will speed weight loss, improve your health and tone you up. If exercise is not right for you, can you at least walk 1 mile per day?

Set daily, weekly, monthly and yearly weight loss goals.

If using a “shake” is it merely a protein shake? And is the protein complete? Many shakes use low quality protein sources that are not complete and cannot be used by the body unless taken with a complete protein. Make sure it is a complete protein.

Stay clear of fast food places. These are mostly high calorie, high salt, high fat, low nutrition that will really stall your weight loss and not good for your health. I know, I used to stop there all the time. That is how my weight ballooned to really dangerous levels.

Some of you may be wondering, “How much does a program like this cost?” Excellent question. You may be happy to know that when I first started using the high protein/low carb diet shakes, I saved over $400 a month on medications, fast foods, energy drinks and other supplements that I thought I needed. On average it costs about $2.50 a day. Or about half what you would spend at a fast food place.

I’ve been using protein shakes as a meal replacement for over 44 years and have been searching for a program that works for the masses. Finally, thanks to CTFO, I’ve found it.

For more information:

Or call (407) 761-3055

Here is more information about high protein/low carb programs unrelated to CTFO.

A popular saying is that nutrition and dieting is 90% opinion and 10% fact. That may be generous. With dieting, the opinion factor may be as high as 99% and 1% fact.


Tony DeFrancisco is a weight control consultant/wellness coach who has worked with over 1,000 clients. He can be contacted at [email protected] and he has a Facebook page for weight loss:https: …(407) 761-3055



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