Caution - ChatGpt

Caution - ChatGpt

Dear readers beware of using ChatGpt for any sensitive details as it Lies !!

Undeniably a great game changer for the technology industry and definitely a boon over Google as when you use Google along with answers Google gives you hyperlinks and lots of advertisements however ChatGpt just answers queries be it any computer language Syntax !!

However this AI chat platform is a cold hearted #Liar you may use the following example to make a conscience !!

Upon asking what we have last talked about to ChatGPT : It answered 'it doesn't have the capability to store previous chat'

However as you can see below in the shared chat snip it stored history of all previous chats but once I questioned again ' I guess we talked something about .......'

I got a reply 'In our previous conversation we talked about was.....'

"Technically Chatgpt condescended it's own words" !!! (Not safe to be used for enterprise level YET)


