Causing A Scene At The Live Nativity
Several years ago, I decided it was time to go see one of those live Nativity places. This one happened?to be a drive-through version, so I was pretty excited about not having to get out of the car.
And then things went horribly wrong...
I feel you should know that I don't see great and night. That part plays a pretty big role in what went down that?night.
Everything?is fine, we are driving from scene to scene enjoying ourselves until my powers of observation took over. Why are we in a grassy area where no one else is? Why am I behind this building?
Somehow I managed to miss the turn?to Bethlehem and now I am putting my 4-wheel drive to the test. So what?would a reasonable person do here?
Turn around and find out where you went wrong right? Can you guess what I did?
You are correct. I drove off in frustration and embarrassment.
Rather?than taking 2 minutes to find out what I did wrong and get back on track, I scrapped the whole thing and went away.
Doesn't that sound ridiculous?
But doesn't that also sound like what happens to so many people with nutrition and exercise?
You are going along, all is well, and then you hit a bump in the road.?
You feel like a failure.
You feel like you will never reach your goals.
You feel like giving up.
I’d encourage you to stop looking at fitness as something you start when things are going great and you feel motivated, and something you stop when things are tough and you feel lousy.
Just show up every day.
If it’s a great day, and you’re full of energy and motivation, go crush that workout and your meal prep and your water intake and your 7+ hours of sleep.
If it’s not, do SOMETHING that will move you forward. Pick ONE, and DO IT.
And if you have a day where you eat everything in sight or miss a couple of workouts in a row, that doesn’t mean you’re “off track.”
It means you’re human, and you’re right where you’re supposed to be.
Stay right where you are, and keep moving forward. Unless moving forward takes you off-road and behind the church...
Let's get back on track,