Causeway Partner with Loughborough Uni on BIM
The School of Civil and Building Engineering has announced a partnership with Causeway, a global technology leader in 5D BIM, as the latest development in its pioneering strategy to embed building information modelling (BIM) into degree and postgraduate programmes.
Causeway is providing its CATO software and expert support for students on the Commercial Management and Quantity Surveying (CMQS) programme. It will also be used by students taking modules on construction cost planning and estimating.
This partnership in the teaching and learning of CATO is important and timely, because construction and civil engineering students will acquire sought-after skills, gain employment and help companies achieve the government’s 2016 BIM target.
Dr Zulfikar Adamu, who has spearheaded the School’s BIM implementation strategy, explains that: “After appraising different products, we came to the conclusion that CATO provides best value. It will plug into our BIM ecosystem easily and help us to deliver graduates that are BIM-ready. The fact that CATO complies with RICS’ New Rules of Measurement (NRM) makes it ideal as a primary technology for teaching 5D BIM”.
The Dean of School, Professor Tony Thorpe added that: “With BIM, and technologies like CATO, the School has taken another step towards sustaining the quality of our highly-respected CMQS programme. We are looking forward to a long term relationship with Causeway”.
Contact Causeway by clicking here.