For The Cause of Freedom
Many people ask about my history with oil and gas. I don't work IN the oil & gas industry, I work FOR the oil and gas industry, the unsung heroes of the general populace. There are many others, such as law enforcement, firefighters and surveyors, and they all deserve recognition. But if not for the oil & gas industry, Americans would not have the many conveniences and necessities of life as they know it.?
I use history in my art to highlight how hard work, dedication, and sacrifice launched this country and its industries because those same values continue to drive us forward. I believe it's important to remember how we arrived at the successes of today through the efforts of hard-working men and women.
?When companies place their logo/information on one of my prints, it serves to not only promote that company to others in the industry but also to the general public. This is not just art for the sake of art; it carries a purpose to send the message about the values and heritage of greatness. Uniting great companies together around a centerpiece of historical truth makes for a stronger message, thereby bringing greater overall success and recognition to the industry.?
?So the next time you see one of my oil and gas prints, take a moment to reflect on the accomplishments and efforts made by each company on the print as they take their place in history and continue the great tradition of excellence and progress. In this way, even competitors can work together to make America great again.