Cause or Effect, which are You?

Cause or Effect, which are You?

Contrary to popular belief, the Bible is not a religious book, it is a detailed Plan of how the world is to be saved that is told in stories.

Storytelling is an ancient art that has been replaced with specifics. Facts, figures, and details are the excepted norm today, but this is not how it has always been. There was a time when truth was not explained with science. This is the case of the stories in the Bible. Each story represents a fact, which when all brought together, draws a whole picture of how the world as it is understood today will end, and how a new world will begin.

First of all, the 7th Creative Day was never completed. For this reason, the world has not met the standards necessary to "fit in" with the other 6 Creative Days. At the beginning of the 7th Day, an error was made by the humans who were commissioned to design a Perfect World within the 7th Creative Day. The problem, as we believe we understand it, was a sin that the man and the woman decided upon in order to make themselves more 'God-like." The problem was, this backfired. This was a supposed sin that cast humans into darkness and into a sinful world. The problem with this is that the world had not yet been designed or defined. Although nature had been defined and designed, the world had not. If it had, it would have been defined and designed perfectly, as were all of the other Creative Days.

The so-called "sin" that was committed by the man and the woman that cast the man and the woman outside of the Garden was not a cause, it was an effect. Cause cannot be made by a species, as all species are themselves an effect. This is a common mistake that introduced the belief that it was possible for the human species to determine their own course of action, but how can this be if the course of action had already been determined by a Higher Cause than the human species? Even though we as individuals would like to believe that we are determiners of our own individual reality, the fact remains that we are not the Cause of our own reality, we are an effect of it. Being an effect means that we are playing a game of life inside of a world that we were commissioned to help perfectly develop, but because of the effect (so-called sin) brought about by an effect (humans) there is actually no Cause that has been applied to the world that we have assigned reality to, but in fact is not a reality at all.

Because everything in this world is, in fact, an effect, and no Cause has been applied to it, the world can actually be redefined by a new Cause. This is a Living Cause that will take the place of the old world effect that has taken over the commissioned purpose that was assigned by Cause in the beginning.

Remember this, the Cause of Everything in the Universe, or the Universal Mind, some people call this God, never said, and He saw that it was good, and the 7th Day ended, and the 8th Creative Day began.

This is good news and a bad new story, for everything that cannot be defined as Good by the Creator, or the Cause of Everything, must either be eliminated or made perfect in order for this world to have a Cause. In other words, we have a lot of effects to clean up in order for the Cause to accept the effects of what we as individuals have made in this world, and this world is really a mess.

If you believe that you are here to be a cause of something, I am sorry to inform you that this position has already been taken. We are all here to clean up the effects of something that occurred a very long time ago. It has nothing to do with the present, and if you believe you can define an effect in the present, this is impossible. This world does not exist in the present because there is no effect that exists in this world that wholly exists in the present. Only a Cause can define the Now, and we are not this Cause.

The only way to enter into the present is if we clean up the effects of the past. Each one of us has contributed to the effects of this world, and these are the effects that we are each responsible for addressing. Everything person in the world today carries the potential to undo an effect that can be traced back to the beginning when the original error was made. It has taken 6000 years of a Plan to save our world from everything that was effected in the past to be brought together in time to reach back across time and eliminate the mess of effects that have no Cause. Attempting to fix the world without addressing its effects is a waste of time, as time is a dimension and serves a Cause, and we are not it.

Because each of us is responsible for the effects that we are perpetrating inside of a world that does not have a whole Cause, it is time to begin looking at our own effectual messes. We are at least responsible for recognizing our own mess. No one can cause the mess that we are in except for us, except that this mess is not a cause, it is an effect. If we stop looking at the world as a cause, and see it as being an effect, then there is hope for the world. All effects that are harmful to the world can be undone, but we must be involved in this clean up.

It is really time to rethink our relationships with each other and our responsibility to our world and future generations. It is time to wake up and recognize that we are not the cause of our own problems, we are an effect of an effect. Cause is waiting patiently on the sidelines for us to take the first steps on a journey to discover what it means, not to be a Cause, but to understand what it means to be a helpful Effect.


