Caught in the Act
Meris Gebhardt
Global Meditation Leader | Workplace Wellness Thought Leader | Mindfulness Training | Corporate Wellness | Executive Leadership
......of simply being.
Who are you when you’re caught in the act? Are you the authentic you, a contrived you, a lost in the bliss of the moment you? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could be lost in the moment more often….completely immersed in the cause at hand. At one with our minds, hearts and bodies in action.
On a recent Summer morning, I was enjoying my meditation in the park when a visiting photographer stumbled upon me and asked to snap some pictures for his collection. Of course, I was honored and permitted his art form to take shape. He shared the images with me and I was actually kind of blown away at what I saw. I witnessed a person in her element, at once relaxed at ease and yet intentionally focused. Was that me? I know where the mind of that person was -- intently focused on resting my mind, not chewing on thoughts worries, problems or attaining happiness -- yet from a distance, this person looked so serene, at peace and intentionally focused.
Imagine if what others saw was what we actually were. Guess what -- it’s possible! Moreover, what others see from the outside hardly matters when we feel so complete, warm and loved from the inside. The more we meditate and will ourselves into union with who we truly are - our divine nature - the more the world shapes itself around us, attracts what we call to us and in the end carves a pathway for us down which to travel. When we sit in quietude and stillness we avail our minds and ears to hearing what is best for us and better, we dare to plant seeds to actually live that life intended for us. For us to exist and realize our greatest potential. Depression is upon us when we aren’t fulfilling our divine purpose and we spin, lost out of control of our lives. This union, yoking together of our authentic self, life’s purpose and ultimate action is the definition of true harmony. We follow what lights us up from within leaving little to no time for that which depletes us and drags us down. We have a responsibility to tune into such voices of wisdom. But only in quiet -- so we can hear; and in stillness -- so we can envision what might be possible will divine providence make it so. Don’t worry about the execution. Don’t worry about the resources. Worry is a depleting emotion of our energy. Yes, it will take work, yes it will take discipline. But when we rest in what is and intend for what is to come, our choices and behaviours align with our mission in a way that doesn’t feel like effort. It definitely becomes a thing of ease. Trust me, it works. Doing less, being more. Try it just once. The great, the powerful Wizard of Pause. He is our friend and guide to the end of our days. Meet him, spend time with him and use that tool at every turn. Your life is yours to shape, live and love.