Another repeat of yesterday's heat and dryness came and went, and while driving to work early this morning, I was noticing all the more burned lawns which is makings of a not so beautiful June. If this weather pattern continues, can you imagine what the months of July and August are going to be like? I'm sorry to say, I have to water my struggling garden every other day. First it was the frost-kill, and now a possible heat- kill. Oh well, there's nothing we can do about it, as it's all in Mother Nature's hands.
My first appointment this morning, was to meet with several buyers wanting to make an offer on a home I showed them. Since we've grown familiar enough with each other, after we'd finished-up on the signing of documents, we shared some old stories about happenings in our past. I couldn't help mentioning to the wife how much she resembled my deceased sister whose birthday just so happened to be today. Believe me, it was quite the creepy-cool experience. Yes, we all have a look-alike or two floating around, but for one to arrive on the precise day of the other's birthday, was quite the coincidence.
Speaking about this business of "twins", I was firmly challenged some years ago by another Realtor who'd just returned from a tour of Germany and asking, "Do you have any close relatives living in the Munich area?" Of course my response was, "Why do you ask?" Well, he went on to say how he happened upon a native who looked so much like me, he actually went up to him and said, "If you're not Joe Chodur, then you must be his identical twin." As much as I attempted to dismiss his thoughts, he rambled on all the more about my having a dead ringer look-alike. To this day, I don't know if I should've been flattered or insulted, as everyone sees another in different a light.
I must admit that back when I was traveling Europe in my youth, and my German language skills being all the more up to speed, there would be times when I would join in conversation with their natives and finding a few of them not believing I was from the United States, and only due to my German pronunciation being at their levels. Even to this day, I have to be careful when writing because I find myself using the German form of sentence structure, but on a positive note, as Goethe once said, "He who knows no foreign language, knows nothing of his own." Believe it or not, it's true.
Speaking of sloppy writing, I couldn't help skimming today's article in the River City Rag which talked about the happenings on the south end of our City. That reporter must've decided he was going to offer to his readers a moment by moment recall of what he was seeing. About halfway thru, a word jumped out which confirmed his understanding of the English language, and that word being "kitty-cornered". I know there are a great number of sloppy speakers amongst us, but I'd learned a very long time ago that it's not "kitty-cornered", but rather "catty-cornered". Ok, because you've likely spelled and pronounced it wrong, feel free to look it up. Truthfully, I've never considered myself a stellar writer, but at least I do try to provide something that's readable, and yes, there are even those who're able to dissect every page, paragraph and sentence of another's writing and come up with an infinite number of corrections to the point they'd exclaim in an acid tone or two, "I can't even make sense of your writing!"
A very many years ago, a near and dear one shared with me her take on this business of writing for readers, which in a nut shell was, "If you can write something that'll capture and hold someone's interest to the point where they're slowing themselves down while reading, just so they'll not miss even one thought being relayed, then you've done your job." Have you ever noticed how many times people purchase books thinking they'll give them a good read, and in the end, not even be able to get thru those first chapters? Well, those particular authors' form of delivery, weren't to their liking. Make sense?
Much of my day was spent preparing docs for two closings coming up next week, and then going out and getting signatures from sellers. I really do enjoy visiting with the elder-sellers because they have so much to share, and far more thankful for what we do than most in our younger crowd. I'm convinced all the many don't make time to just pick up the phone or drive over to their homes for even a light chat. Believe you me, nearly all of them appreciate it far more than you'd ever think.
When I went out to one of the seller's apartment, I took with me a check for a piece of furniture I purchased at his garage sale which was a chimney cabinet. Yes, I already have a chimney cabinet, but the main reason I wanted his, was only as a remembrance of him because he's one of the kindest I've met in some time. He's another one I'm now wishing I would've crossed paths with years ago. I'm going to do my best in keeping in touch with him, and especially now that he's entered another chapter in his life. More than once I've said to him, "For a man, you have beautiful handwriting." Of course he'd denied it every time it was mentioned.
Another big worry was lifted off my shoulders after being called by Blazek Electric to tell me they were finished with the work they had to do before a buyer's loan would be approved. I ran over to the house to make sure it looked good, and as always, Blazek did their best.
I soulfully hope an owner-occupant purchases that charming one bedroom home I just listed at 2802 S. Jefferson. Now if you know anyone looking for a 2nd home, or of a minimalist's mindset, please have them give me a call. I pulled up a piece of its carpeting and found gorgeous oak-plank flooring. That home has got up-side value written all over it, so do please put the word out.
Tonight's One-liner is: My guiding principle is this: Guilt is never to be doubted or ignored.
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