
There is no doubt that cats make good companions (even though many dog lovers might not agree), but history shows the contrary. Archeologists can date domesticated cats back to the Ancient Egyptians, who lived over 3,000 years ago! Who knows what fascination early mankind had with these animals?

I’ll leave such big questions to the historians and stick to a more personal reign. I am and have always been a cat lover, and the proud owner of two adorable felines, Phoebe and Rufus. Phoebe especially is very people-oriented, often greeting me at the door for a tummy rub and she loves to sit in my lap when I’m working at my computer. My furry friends are sometimes lively, sometimes lazy, but never boring. In fact, on the contrary, I find them extremely entertaining and sometimes almost mesmerizing.

Have you ever watched a cat chasing a string or a moving light ray reflecting off a piece of jewellery or glass. This simple little pastime can be a tremendous source of amusement and stimulation for these animals. It makes you wonder what is going on in their heads! Usually, the interest is short-lived, but while they’re in the middle of it, they exhibit focus and determination and nothing else seems to matter!

I envy this kind of abandon. I know from my own personal experience and from working with clients that we humans have a much more difficult time separating ourselves from our current worries and preoccupations, and the moment we happen to be living. As a consequence, we often forfeit the daily joys of our own life. This is certainly one lesson we take from our four-legged fury friends.

While I have a personal preference for felines as this week’s message shows, I know that dogs can be equally adorable and lovable. Both make for loyal companions, and we are fortunate to have them by our side, especially in these unsettling times. If you have a pet at home, give them an extra hug this week and tell them how lucky you are to have them!


