Cathy’s Corner - Find Your Flock!
Did you know that happy, relaxed chickens lay more eggs?
And that larger eggs are produced later in life?
Hens lay fewer eggs as they age but the quality increases: larger, yummier, more appetizing.
Hmmm… happier chickens lay better eggs.
Personally, I think their flock has a lot to do with it.
How's your flock?
Who inspires you?
Who energizes you?
Who contributes to your happiness?
Are you hangin' with right hens?
When I look back on this past year I am struck by how many people I miss and how, especially as an extravert, I long for a return to personal human interaction. However, I’m not convinced that I seek a return to the old normal. Not sure I want to spend time with all the chickens.
I know I produce my best work when I'm inspired, supported and full of energy.
I make progress, come up with new ideas, and craft unique solutions, when I feel support and encouragement. I rise to be a better version of myself when surrounded by my true flock.
While happier chickens lay better eggs, stressed chickens don’t lay eggs all! Seriously! Chickens will look for a nest about an hour before laying. If she can’t find a good nesting area and is stressed about it, she may choose to hold the egg inside. What!?!
OMG, find a nest! Nobody wants to be bugged-up with enthusiasm and great ideas but have no outlet. Curate a space for yourself so you can ponder, contemplate, plan. Even the smallest of areas but know that it’s yours. A calm space that allows you to think and grow your ideas.
As for the size of eggs increasing with age - definitely!
We often develop bigger ideas, complex solutions and more impactful results later in our lives because we have access to greater resources and experiences upon which to draw.
We’ve had the chance to produce smaller eggs and we learn, we research, we grow.
We apply our past knowledge to future endeavours thus, bigger, better eggs.
So, as talks begins (again) about the economy opening up, the probability of people coming together, and the idea that businesses will sputter back to life, I encourage you to Find Your Flock and build your nest.
Who makes you happy?
Who fuels your drive?
Who will support you in your quest to lay your perfect egg?
Because this barnyard adventure is far from over. We’ve come this far. Time to crack a few eggs!
P.S. This is now my favourite shirt.
Maureen McCann, Executive Career Strategist ?? Thought you might like this ??