Catholics of Good Conscience Can No Longer Vote Democrat by Dr. Michael Baglino, Ed. D.

Catholics of Good Conscience Can No Longer Vote Democrat by Dr. Michael Baglino, Ed. D.

? ? ?This is not the 1960s, and this writer has not registered for any political party in this country. ?In 1965 the civil rights bill was passed, the Republican Jacob Javitz Civil Rights Bill. ?Monumental, yet so many Democrats were against it because it was promoted by Republicans and flew against the prevailing segregationist districts represented by Democrats. ?In 1971, President Nixon proposed a nationalized medical coverage for all, but the Democrats led by Sen. Ted Kennedy, fought tooth and nail against it because it was a Republican bill and President Nixon would get credit. ?These are the exact words of Sen. Kennedy in an AARP interview shortly before he died. ?He said in that interview that he wished he could have taken away his decisions and the worst thing he ever participated in politically. ?Truth be told. ?This writer was a Democrat then, an LBJ supporter. ?But this is the way they are, even more so now; their hatred for the man who is thwarting their Marxist revolution is making them just like this hateful image they have of him. ?And false image I must say. ??

? ? ?So why can’t we as Catholics vote Democrat today? ?Well, like so many Democrats who were against abortion before they realized that too many Republicans were also opposed and their constituents supported it; they then switched. ?So it became part of their secular ideological agendas. The long-time strategy of leftists worldwide is to oppose Christian values in capitalist countries in order to break down the culture. ?This then invites authoritarian control. Catholicism teaches the evils of abortion and euthanasia, both supported by Democrats. ?The same goes for stem cell research and human cloning. ?Oh, we haven’t heard about these issues for a while, but it exists nonetheless. ?Then we have the selling of body parts, especially by the infamous Planned Parenthood of which the Democrats support and are complicit in their doings. ?These institutions obtain body parts from recent cadavers and stem cells. ?

? ? To move on, Catholicism opposes gay culture, life style and marriage. ?We love the gay, but not the sin. ?Even Pope Francis has called the trans lifestyle and medical procedures demonic. ?All European countries have now banned such procedures but in the U. S. it remains, supported by Democrats. ?Such trans individuals have even been appointed to high level government positions by the president, again complicit in this movement.

? ? ?Now we arrive at legalizing drugs. ?Catholicism opposes inebriation of any kind whether alcohol or drugs. ?We are called to be mindful, sober and alert at all times. ?State by state continues to legalize drugs and of course California even passes them on to the homeless. What?! ?Joe and Kamala support legalization. Kamala herself supports legalizing heroin and prostitution.?

? ? ?Of course, Catholic civil rights are curtailed when not allowed to stand by our consciences - ie. ?Baking wedding cakes for gay marriage, performing such marriages by Christian clergy, not permitted to attend church during the Covid pandemic. ?My college students in Minnesota called for forcing doctors in hospitals, Catholic hospitals mind you, to perform abortions. ?All Democrats. Why even Kamala has openly expressed her contempt for practices of Catholicism and especially the Knights of Columbus. ?Further, as Catholics are being attacked worldwide by Muslims, not a thing is done by this Democrat administration. ?Only independent Christian organizations have stepped up as much as possible to this point. ?

? ? ?On the other hand, it is the Democrat who insists on returning apprehended Muslim terrorists to their homeland and calling local Muslim terrorism crimes of psychopathy, not religiously, nor ideologically motivated. ?Hillary and Susan Rice blamed the Bengazi attack on a youtube video. ?Our fault. ?Hillary supports Al Jazeera as the news agency of truth.

? ? ?Catholics love the alien and stranger. ?We help them, take them in, support their struggle to ease the pain. ?Always have. We volunteer it. ?Democrats encourage illegal immigration. ?They oppose the use of the term illegal aliens, yet they support them over their American constituents. ?Even to the point of paying for their health, housing, trans operations, and education. ?We pay for it.? However, they opposed illegal immigration when Cesar Chavez of the 60s was opposed but switched when they saw it work in their favor. ???They insisted that 5 yr. Old Elian Gonzalez return to Cuba in 1997 when Republicans welcomed him, but again switched because of it.? They welcome all the children around the world, I guess to replace the aborted children that they promote for American women.? Double minded and Jesus doesn’t like it. ?

? ? ?God speaks to individuals and He speaks to nations. ?Democrats are intent on ruining the sovereignty of this nation, its culture and its dominant language to boot. ?May I add that so many Democrats do not support Israel and as Israel goes, so goes the U. S. and vice versa. The global reset and worldwide government, not national sovereignty, is their main political agenda.? Read that sentence twice.? It is what illegal immigration is all about - as in John Lennon’s ridiculous song ‘Imagine’, their dream too.? Great tune, stupid lyrics. ?So many wolves in sheep's clothing to look out for. ?The left wing of the party opposes Israel and all Jews. ?C’mon now! ?Have you seen their vitriolic and violent protests and urban riots over the past few years, even to the point of being bailed out of jail by Kamala??

? ? ?No Catholic in good conscience can support the Democrat party, its Marxist / Leninist tactics and anti-Christian ideology. ?Unless of course, they’ve been poisoned by this ideology to various degrees as have our college students. ?But Democrats are nice people, just ask them.?

Related Source:

Baglino, Michael J. ?From Gramsci to Freud: ?7 Anti-Christian Philosophers Who Ruined America. ?New York: LT Press. ?2023.



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