A Catholic View
Dr.Michael J. Baglino
Author, Contributing Writer at 'The Catholic Journal' and 'Catholic 365'
EWTN, Terrorism and the Current Social Unrest in America
EWTN, Terrorism and the Current Social Unrest in America
People want to know what news station you watch, especially people who think they are liberals, so as to argue. Fanatic liberals love to argue, as psychologically and subconsciously they have a deep-seated doubt in their illogic. It goes against everything they were taught if taught before the 1980s. One case in point: ever since I could remember, the Democratic party was against the hiring of illegal immigrants – from Lyndon Johnson to Cesar Chavez. It was an affront to Americans. It was capitalism lowering the wages of American workers and keeping them from their rightly due employment. An abuse of big business, big agriculture and capitalism in general. Now they are for it. Disconnects like these borders on a psycho-neurotic condition known as cognitive dissonance. It is rampant and there’s a hundred examples of these liberal disconnects and turn arounds. Now to the case in point, the current social unrest promulgated by liberal ideology and policies and the view of the TV news station I do watch - EWTN, the Eternal Word Television Network. This is the Roman Catholic cable community service station founded by Mother Angelica in 1981.
The strategic aim of terrorism, both foreign and domestic, is many fold. Number one, it is to create maximum fear and panic. The Corona Virus pandemic, foreign and the efforts of Black Lives Matter [BLM], domestic, are two such incidents that unfortunately are approaching success in promoting such confusion. They are acts of terrorism. Which one is actually foreign and which one domestic [Corona or BLM] is another point open to discussion considering origins. Terrorism is the promotion of violence and violent change by organizations not in power. It includes pre-meditated, unlawful acts dangerous to both human life and the public welfare, ultimately causing citizens to lose faith in their government.
In this regard, EWTN news programs have invited various Afro American leaders, ministers and priests to discuss the aims of BLM. These guests have pointed out that BLM is a Marxist/Leninist organization funded by outside sources, bent on social disruption and discord, so as to create chaos and calling for the government [Democrats] to eliminate President Trump and take over the United States. They are for the break-up of the nuclear family [#1 cause of Black/white inequities, not racism], pro-abortion, for removing and replacing God from our culture, and to foster the LGBTQ agenda. It is so stated by its founders and leaders, not my nor EWTN words. I repeat, not my nor EWTN words, just presented there.
Further, terrorism effectively causes the denial of entertainment outlets which are sources of escape from stress, a second strategic aim. These include sports venues, theaters, parks. The NBA, NHL, MLB, NFL are all such American sports organizations struggling to maintain its sport venues and seasonal offerings to the public. It has been suggested by guests on EWTN news on several occasions that both the pandemic and BLM have purposely intended these results.
A third aim is to create political and economic problems for the country. Discord between local and state, state and federal, local and federal intentions are heightened, stretching our federalism system to a breaking point. Rather the left prefers one government, the bureaucratic state, legislative, executive, judicial, all-inclusive under one governing body, the Democrats. Does the Soviet Union sound familiar? Sociologists for decades have indicated that communism would or could come to America in every way but in name only. Anne Hendershott, author of The Politics of Deviance and Bill Donahue, author of Common Sense Catholicism are Catholic sociologists and occasional visitors to EWTN. They have indicated the purposeful influence toward moral confusion the left has perpetrated upon America and the slow growth of big government as solution to any of these social and political problems. So let's just call this excessive administrative growth in previous administrations Democrat party propaganda and control. The clearest example of that is the collusion between media and government, a propaganda machine similar to the CNN, MSNBC vortex, not unlike the Soviet Union, Communist China, No. Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, etc. Portrayed in films and books like ‘Fahrenheit 451’ & ‘1984’, Marxism collides with almost every principle of western civilization and American life - traditional liberalism. Well, the attack on our sovereignty, capitalism and Christian morality was the hallmark of the Obama administration, but his followers, BLM and the World Health Organization, WHO follow suit. But Marxism fails everywhere. Our way - not perfect, but it is better !
Need I belabor the economic repercussions of these two social upheavals? After three years of economic growth and development for all citizens of America, it has all come to a standstill and deteriorating. I’ll let the economist sort this one out.
Fourthly, terrorists try to identify weaknesses in health care administration and preparedness. President Trump has been diligent in this effort to combat the pandemic regardless of criticisms. Not one country was prepared for this and only Korea had a swift effective response. Yet compared to other countries in this world, America responded as needed and as even reported on a recent PBS documentary. Sad thing is that the WHO and CDC officials called upon with their proclamations of policy and science are annoyed that is not their president they are helping. They wished it were Obama, so, President Trump gets the credit, and the media must twist his effective efforts. Health care delivery, facilities management, financial policy, information dissemination, security issues are all open to criticism and distortion.
And the fifth aim of terrorism is to create tension between U. S. and its allies. Make it apparent that citizens of our ally nations residing in the U.S. were not protected. Make it apparent that newly arrived immigrants are receiving less than acceptable treatment and warranting the labels of prejudice and bigotry. Point is, there are very few Asians or Central Americans involved in the social disruptions instigated by BLM. These new immigrant groups ran away from such terror in their respective countries and to them it is a tragedy that it is occurring here in the U. S.
No, I don’t get my news from Fox but rather the news agencies of the Catholic church. Why? Because of the ESPN motto – ‘Live truth, live Catholic’.
Donahue, Bill. Common Sense Catholicism.
EWTN, Eternal Word Television Network
Hendershott, Anne. The Politics of Deviance
Wolper, Lawrence. Health Care Administration: Managing Organized Delivery Systems.