Catholic Filmmaking Breakdown | Follow Joe to NCYC
In this Catholic Filmmaking Breakdown, vice president of projects Greg Krajewski revisits a project from 2017 that we produced for one of our favorite longtime clients, the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry and their National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC).
We have shot the NCYC event itself for several years as well as producing promotional videos like this one to encourage local youth to attend. The conference annually sees 20,000-25,000 teens showing up to listen to speakers, participate in the sacraments, and meet fellow Catholics who are reigniting their faith. For this project, Greg discusses how we used a first-person experience of a previous conference to promote the upcoming conference. The “main character” of the piece is Joe, a real teen who attended NCYC, whom we filmed throughout the conference to show the variety of activities and emotions he experienced. Mixed with other b-roll that we shot from the actual production of the conference, the video was able to provide an exciting and holistic look at what someone could expect from attending NCYC.
Greg also notes the unique video editing techniques that we were able to experiment with on this project, thanks to the wealth of footage that was shot of Joe and the interesting activities and angles that could be featured to show all the conference action.
We are grateful for the opportunity to spark our own faith each year at this inspirational conference, and we hope videos like this one are able to capture a little bit of the magic of that experience for viewers.