Category or Company - Switch-wise!
At times we start thinking of switching the company because of multiple reasons. But before any decision, analyze and find the root cause behind this thought. Most of the time, the category of the worker we are needs to be changed, not the company. Depending upon the priority, situation, interest, and role, we belong to one of the categories of workers.?
Boss workers - rarely rewarded but always credited for failure or success.?
Smart Workers - rewarded regularly and appreciated in every meeting or mail. Work on the latest and famous technologies and frameworks but have no confirmed outcomes.?
Hard workers - get appreciated and rewarded sometimes. They work on old, not famous, or trending technologies and frameworks but with confirmed outcomes.?
Sorted workers - do not care about rewards and appreciation, but also do not care about outcomes.??
Frustrated workers - never get rewarded or appreciated as they never give outcomes.
Nirvana workers - do not take the rewards or appreciation seriously. But they also don’t take work seriously either.?
There is nothing called better or best because every category on its own is unique and complete. When you are unhappy with your work, identify which category of worker you are and then analyze which switching (category or company) will help you to achieve satisfaction.??