Lawrence Gerard Fox
Completed Licentiate in Sacred Theology (STL) on June 12, 2021 (Magna Cum Laude), International Theological Institute, Austria. Living in Texas.
I accepted the challenge to assist several tenth grade students with their weekly catechesis. There has been three classes so far. We finally received the study manual, after the third class. I was (so it seems) setting the groundwork.
As always, I began by getting to know the students. actually, I was also getting the students to know something about themselves. "Who am I? Where am I going? Why do I feel the way I feel inside?"
I asked the students: "Tell me your names. Do you know anything special about your names?"
They told me their names and I provided some context:
"That name means: Deep Red Precious Stone which is also attributed to the Tribe of Reuben."
"That name means: Tide and Flow. A famous musician has that same name. "
"That name means: Loving."
"That name means: God Has Healed and it also belongs to an archangel."
"That name means: Bright and Clear and it also belongs to a Saint close to St. Francis of Assisi."
I asked: "Do you have brothers and sisters? How is school? What is your favorite subject? What is your favorite food? What makes you happy? Why are you in this catechism class? What are you preparing for? Do you have any questions?"
Mostly reticence.
I said: "Okay, Let us begin this journey by reading the first paragraph in the Gospel of Luke; chapter 1 verses 1-4. It is a short introduction to the subject of catechesis."
We discovered that the most excellent Theophilus was already catechized. I mentored: "You see even people of importance were catechized in the faith."
I explained: "Luke wanted to support Theophilus' catechesis. Certainty, in the Biblical sense, requires two or three witnesses. Luke's Gospel would be the second or third witness, given to Theophilus, so to speak." I was pointing out the manner in which the good deposit of politic faith was both oral (witness) and written (witness).
We discussed the word catechesis even further touching upon prayers, liturgy, creed, scripture, virtues, and the pursuit of beatific vision as man's final end.
I mentioned: "Jesus Christ catechized (instructed and formed) His disciples for three years. They learned through listening, observing, doing, questioning, fumbling, experiencing, asking more questions, and walking a whole lot. Theirs was a three year journey of grace and response. We seek to share in their catechesis. Expect (Demand) something similar in nature."
One thing led to another. The language of God's Grace (the very essence of God dwelling in the human soul) kept coming up, "What is Grace?"
I then began to share with the students an analogy of God's grace touching the human soul. It was an attempt to demonstrate how God's grace does not coerce but "woos" the human soul.
I said: "Imagine the door of this room suddenly opening behind us and the voice of your good friend (or best friend) reaches your ears from across the room."
I then asked: "Would you look up, turn around, smile, be happy, and wave your hand to your friend saying, 'I am over here!"
Stares. I tried again.
"Imagine the door of this room suddenly opening behind us and the voice of your beloved mother or father reaches your ears from across the room."
I then asked: "Would you look up, turn around, smile, be happy, and wave your hand to your mother or father saying, 'I am over here!"
Stares. What now?
I mentioned: "Your will and emotions were created for goodness. Are you happy when someone cheats you or is mean to you?" They responded, "No." Are you happy when someone is kind to you?" Some responded, "Yes."
God's Kindness touches us through His Grace.
I mentioned: "Your intellect was created for truth. Are you happy when someone lies to you?" They responded, "No." Are you happy when you know the answer to a question?" Some responded, "Yes."
God's Truth touches us through His Grace.
I said: "God is goodness, truth and love. Each day, God lovingly reaches down and touches our souls (speaks to our souls) with goodness and truth. We were created for Him out of Divine Love. He is looking for our loving response "wood" and "aided" and "perfected" by His Grace. We are learning how to seek and respond to God's goodness, truth and love in a Catholic discerning manner."
I then mentioned:
The purpose of this class (catechesis) is to hear God to say to us: 'I am already here with you when you pray, when you study your faith, learn the creed, when you listen to the readings and words of the Mass, when you read sacred scripture, when you read (watch) the lives of the saints, when your parents guide you, when you say 'sorry,' when you forgive, when you ponder the gift of life and when you show goodness to one another. All these things and more fall under catechesis.
I then mentioned: "It is not any more complicated than that. When we listen at Mass, God says, "I am here." When we pray and learn the faith, God says, "I am here." The most basic thing required is for us to look up, turn around, smile, be happy, and wave our hands to God saying, 'I am also here.'"
I then said: "It is my prayer that we hear the voice of God, our absolute dearest friend -- not from across the room but deep inside and more clearly as time goes on. When we come to class imagine the door of the room already being opened."
Luke 1: 1-4
Many have undertaken to compose an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by the initial eyewitnesses and servants of the word. Therefore, having carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus (Friend of God), so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been catechized (instructed, taught).