Catchup with CommsCo - September 2024
In this month’s newsletter, we launch the AI Innovators Collective, report back from An Evening With TechMarketView and celebrate a snowballing VivaCity story in The Times, Telegraph, Daily Mail and more.
Want to say hi? Get in touch: [email protected].
Introducing The AI Innovators Collective
Earlier this month we celebrated the launch of Andrew Burgess ’ new book, ‘The Executive Guide to AI’. It was a great night with plenty of insight and debate between those on all sides of the AI conversation.
Amongst the book hype, the evening also heralded the introduction of The AI Innovators Collective, a community for those at every step of their AI journey and looking for guidance, support and the biggest developments in the space.
Want to join the community? Email [email protected].
We’ve been featured as one of Sesamers ’ ‘Top 10 PR Agencies for Startups In Europe’ Alongside some strong contemporaries, we are highlighted for our “impressive track record of securing media coverage in top publications and enhancing brand visibility.” According to Sesamers, we have also “been pivotal in supporting startups during critical growth phases by positioning them as thought leaders in their respective fields.”
Out and About
‘An Evening With TechMarketView’
With much excitement, Leah Jones and Roseanna Lane attended TechMarketView ’s premier event for networking in the tech industry. Of course, plenty of that was done but there were also some fascinating speakers and insightful stats, including that “65% believe that #GenAI technology expectations are overhyped” revealed in their Technology Confidence Index.
Another good planning session in with Liz Fox and First AML ?
We love spending time with clients and mapping out future campaigns so it was great to catch up with Liz last week and get some overdue drinks in.
This Month’s Highlight
There’s a chance you might have spotted VivaCity in the news this month. With its AI traffic sensors feeding anonymous data to councils to help shape decision making on our roads, we drafted a story with Transport for West Midlands (TfWM), part of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), to showcase the impact of the technology on the local area. Prioritising vulnerable road users, the sensors give them greater priority over motor vehicles as part of an initiative to boost active travel in the region. As a ‘tech for good’ story, it achieved widespread trade coverage, with the news in outlets including leading global intelligent transport publication ITS International. But then things got really interesting when The Times picked up on the news and we developed the story with them, resulting in both print and online coverage. From there, it snowballed, picking up press in The Telegraph, Daily Mail and even an interview on BBC Radio 4.
Scaleup / Tech News You May Have Missed:
With the B2B commerce industry rapidly changing, it should come as no surprise that some finance teams are struggling to keep up. New research by Hokodo, shed light on the fact that as much as two-thirds of the industry is failing to keep pace. The Fintech Times dug deeper into Hokodo’s findings.
If there’s one thing Varda knows, it’s soil. So it makes sense that the team has joined a four-year, €6m project to conduct extensive subsoil sampling across European countries. As Fruitnet reports, the goal is to better understand the qualities, importance and function of subsoil in maintaining crucial soil health in the face of climate change.
As global fines continue to rise, eflow Global has thrown financial firms a lifeline in the form of its ‘Market Abuse Health Check’. The health check provides firms with tailored insights into managing and mitigating the risks of market abuse, helping to navigate through the shifting sands of regulation.
With the finance sector standing as a rapid adopter of AI, its environmental impact is naturally well highlighted. Among the numerous solutions proposed, a more immediate one, which remains out of the spotlight but is key to AI performance, is code optimisation. TurinTech CEO Leslie Kanthan penned his thoughts for TabbFORUM on how the financial sector can stand to benefit.
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