Catching Up with Payton J. Thomas
National Merit Scholarship Corporation
Recognizing and honoring the academically talented students of the United States.
"I study the nonlinear and stochastic behavior of genetic and cellular systems at the intersection of mathematical biology and synthetic biology. . . . Marrying the elegance of mathematics with the ingenuity of engineering, these fields offer unique pathways to tackle significant global issues, particularly those concerning climate change, energy sustainability, and environmental resilience. . . . By converging these fields, we embark on a journey that not only deepens our understanding of life but also holds the potential to transform the trajectory of our planet towards a more sustainable and harmonious future," remarks Payton Thomas , winner of a 2019 National Merit $2500 Scholarship. Payton earned his bachelor of science degrees in applied mathematics and biomedical engineering from the University of Utah while also earning a minor in chemistry. In addition, he attended the 美国麻省理工学院 (MIT) in 2022 as a Visiting Scholar in Biological Engineering.
Early in his college career, Payton was able to serve as the Project Lead at InnovaBio, where he participated in gene circuit dynamics research with applications in the treatment of diabetes. While a Visiting Researcher at MIT, he constructed biophysical models of genetic circuits, statistically analyzed the data from sequencing single-cell RNA, and used genetic engineering techniques to build and test gene circuits. Payton also served as an ambassador for the University of Utah's College of Engineering, where he conducted STEM outreach events at high schools, mentored undergraduate students, and helped organize Utah Engineering Day.
Payton says, "Becoming a National Merit Scholar is one of my proudest achievements because NMSC's mission goals of promoting respect for learning and encouraging the pursuit of academic excellence have always aligned with my goals for my personal growth and with my goals for my students. In the last four years, I have received several additional academic awards and opportunities and I have no doubt that my access to those opportunities was enhanced by my status as a National Merit Scholar. . . . With the support of sponsors and donors, I was able to graduate magna cum laude with a double major in mathematics and biomedical engineering, a minor in chemistry, and will go on to earn a PhD in bioengineering." Payton is earning his PhD at the University of San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering. He adds, "The continued generosity of sponsors and donors will enable more students like me to pursue their passions and become global leaders in industry and academia."