Catching a tailwind: new approaches to decrease airline tech debt

Catching a tailwind: new approaches to decrease airline tech debt

Pioneering change in modern solutions for traditional problems with Stuart Cartwright and Marissa McAfee

Keeping the aviation systems of the world running is a feat of modern technology. And in some cases, decidedly less modern ones as well. In fact, a recent report on US air traffic control and systems noted: “The age and condition of F.A.A. facilities and equipment are elevating system risk to unsustainable levels, even before considering losses in efficiency from outdated technology,” the report said.

It's not too far past in our collective memories that a confluence of underperforming technologies, weather and disconnected systems left hundreds of thousands of travelers stranded across the US. The weather was a challenge, but it was the burden of legacy systems and outdated technologies, collectively known as technical debt, that caused much of the back-to-back difficulty. ?

The challenge is multithreaded. Modernization calls for not just upgrading slices of a technology portfolio but understanding how weaknesses in one area can take others offline quickly. According to research from DXC Leading Edge , 6 in 10 of travel and transport executives surveyed said that their digital transformations are encountering “market challenges and disruptions are placing significant pressure on IT infrastructure and applications.”

Yet there was a significant recognition that technology is also the solution. Without making the move to modernize, opportunities would be missed. When asked about why run fast at modernization, aviation executives knew it could:

…help us address emerging regulation and compliance requirements (e.g., data sovereignty, sustainability, transparency) 73%

…be essential to our cyber security requirements 80%

…increase our ability to leverage newer technologies such as AI, process mining and automation 71%

focus on digital lifecycle management, including software development and digital products 80%

…increase our ability to pursue platform-based businesses and collaborative ecosystems 76%

So, the question is what’s the fastest route? DXC Leading Edge’s report highlights a four step process.

A four step approach to clearing tech debt and embracing modernization, courtesy of DXC Leading Edge

Informed Decision Making

As we see it, one of the cornerstones of our world-class approach to mitigating tech debt is education. We know informed decision-making is the key to progress. It’s why areas such as “an honest inventory of the tech estate” and defining acceptable tradeoffs are reflected in the method. Our comprehensive educational programs explain the repercussions of tech debt for aviation in particular.

Knowledge is power and designing the best route forward requires informed choices regarding their technological infrastructure. With a culture of continuous learning, we can create a workforce that not only understands the importance of technological modernization but actively contributes to the evolution of the industry.

Rebuilding for Resilience:

As much as the fastest route might seem like developing a series of systems and overlays. Patchworks and workarounds often increase systemic complexities and increase the cost of systems. These become an infrastructure and human capital expense, which according to DXC Leading Edge’s research can eat up 30% of an IT budget. ?Our company has committed to rebuilding systems to state of the art, sometimes from the ground up. This involves a meticulous examination of existing architectures, identifying outdated components, and systematically replacing them with state-of-the-art solutions.

The rebuilding process is not just about eliminating outdated technology; it is a holistic reimagining of systems to ensure they are adaptable, scalable, and future-proof. By investing in rebuilding initiatives, we aim to create a technological foundation that can seamlessly integrate with the latest innovations, enabling airlines to navigate the ever-changing landscape of aviation technology with confidence.

Meeting Airlines Where They Are

Recognizing that each airline operates within a unique context and is at a different stage in its modernization journey, our approach is tailored to meet them where they are. We understand that a one-size-fits-all solution is impractical in the dynamic aviation industry. Instead, our team collaborates closely with each airline to assess their current technological landscape, identify pain points, and chart a customized path forward. Similarly, addressing risk and fostering good behavior – governance – are foundational to our methods

This flexible approach ensures that airlines can embark on their modernization journey at a pace that suits their operational requirements and financial constraints. Whether an airline is in the early stages of adopting modern technologies or seeking to enhance an existing infrastructure, our solutions are designed to be adaptable and scalable, ensuring a smooth and efficient modernization process.

We hope you’ll download the research and give us a chance to talk to you about your onward journey.


Discover more

Embracing modernization: from technical debt to growth

Addressing Legacy Modernization

View our webinar: Modernizing Aviation Applications

Engage with our experts: Stuart Cartwright Marissa McAfee Neil Waller


