Catch your breath…and then race on!
Work hard. Keep your eyes on your goal. Chase it relentlessly. Stay ahead in the race. Let up, and you will be left behind…all great advice. But is that the whole picture?
It is great to be that driven by our pursuit of success but there is also a flip side.
It has become common for young people barely a few years into their careers to experience burnout or lose the passion that drove then to work that hard in the first place. The routine becomes mundane as one day rolls into the other, and every day is identical to the previous. It comes to a point where work becomes the thing that occurs between weekends.
There is no denying the sweetness of the fruit of hard labour, but there is also something to be said about resting up, before pushing on.
Take a break. Switch off. Read or paint or learn to ride a horse. Travel. Learn to cook. Make time for things other than work. Explore interests that go beyond your work life. You will not fall behind. On the contrary, you will be rejuvenated and will discover new strength to power on. You will discover new perspectives and a fresh approach to your daily tasks.
Work hard, but play hard as well. You don’t want to end up like dull Jack, do you?
Well said..