Welcome to Catch Up with RET, our bi-weekly newsletter where we highlight some of our recent work and stories from around the world.
Before we get into the news...
- November 25 marked the beginning of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. One in three women have been subjected to violence at least once in their lifetime, and this campaign seeks to unite governments, civil society, private sector, and the public addressing the global pandemic of violence against women and girls. We'll be posting a series of articles throughout the next two weeks. Subscribe today to stay in the loop.
- Also this week: Giving Tuesday (November 28). From school meals in Venezuela to textbooks for students in Burundi, your donation can make an enormous impact on the women and young people we work with worldwide. Click here to donate today.
We're currently active in 14 countries, so here’s a quick look at what we’ve been up to in a handful of them:
- ???? In Peru, we're working to combat prejudice through #ViveSinFronteras in collaboration with Education Cannot Wait (ECW), UNICEF Perú, World Vision Perú, HIAS Perú, Alternativa Centro, Save the Children Perú, and Embajada de Canadá en Perú. Check out the latest video here.
- ???? In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), we've been working with ACPEJ (a local NGO focused on de-mobilizing combatants and fighting against the enlistment of children and sexual and gender-based violence. The organization's founder Muhindo Kamate Prix D'Achat recently paid a visit to our country director in Burundi, strengthening ties between our organizations and the important work we do together. Read more.
- ???? Migrants from Venezuela across Latin America are moving north, and R4V (the coordination platform for refugees and migrants, composed of 200 organizations including UN agencies, NGOs like RET, and civil society organizations) released a Movements Report analyzing the data across 17 countries from July to September 2023. Read the report here.
Want to know what we’re doing in the rest of the world? Learn more.
Our programs are having a transformative effect on communities around the world. Here’s a roundup of recent articles and inspiring stories:
- ???? [Featured photo] We've been working with the Government of Belize (GOB) to combat trafficking in persons – identifying more victims, improving screening, and improving data collection among other achievements. To that end, we've partnered with GOB and stakeholders like local organizations to enhance the work on the ground and create standard operating procedures (SOPs) for shelters and other accommodations for survivors of trafficking in persons. Read more about our work here.?
- ???? In Mardin, Türkiye, RET has worked to empower Turkish and Syrian women who have historically faced significant barriers in accessing meaningful employment opportunities. Twenty women from each community (40 total) embarked on a journey of transformation which included rigorous vocational and technical training in a state-of-the-art food production atelier and professional kitchen established in Mardin.?Read more about this inspiring story.
- ???? In the face of adversity, Brah Moustapha, a 52-year-old refugee from Nigeria, has demonstrated exceptional resilience and determination. He sought refuge in Diffa, Niger, in 2014, and in 2023 participated in a RET project focused on livelihood improvement and economic inclusion. Under RET’s guidance, Brah and fellow participants formed the ‘Zaman Lafiya’ AGR group received technical support and training on business management, and set up?a collective micro-project centered around small livestock farming. To learn more, read Brah's full story.
While our work began in bridging the gaps in education for refugees, it has expanded to include host communities, vulnerable communities, and more, as well as other sectors like health and WASH, nutrition and food security, and protection, among others. Read more about our areas of intervention.
That’s it for this edition. Subscribe today to receive future newsletters and the latest stories.
Interested in making a difference? A gift to RET could have an enormous impact on a young person’s life – From providing educational materials like books and backpacks to ensuring food security through meal programs and agriculture assistance.
Click here to make a recurring donation today.
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