Catch Up with RET (No. 12)

Catch Up with RET (No. 12)

Happy May, and welcome back to Catch Up with RET. In this bi-weekly newsletter, we highlight stories from our work around the world. ??

In 2023, we helped 285K individuals through 48 programs.

Want to support our work?

?? Check out our profile on The Giving Block and make a donation today with card, stock, or even cryptocurrency.

In Brief

  • ???? In Mali, we're working with local NGO ALPHALOG to empower youth through agricultural training sessions in collaboration with Regional Directorates of Agriculture, Water and Forests, and Livestock Production and Industry. So far, we've reached 768 individuals. Read more here.
  • ???? We're giving a boost to women's cooperatives in Niger by working with local NGO SongES to connect 20 cooperative societies with buyers, suppliers, and financial services in Niamey and Tillabéri. Learn more here.
  • ?? We also reflected on the commitment of our teams across the world. The strength of our impact lies in their ability to adapt and unite. Read more here.

Longer Read

  • ???? When refugees arrive in a new country, language is often a major barrier to connecting with their host communities. In Türkiye, we spoke to Muhammed Halil, a 53-year-old Syrian program participant in ?anl?urfa, who shared his inspiring journey since migrating from Syria a decade ago due to the conflict.?Read his story here.

Did you know?

  • ???? We've been working in Venezuela since 2012, with projects ranging from education to food security and nutrition to health and WASH. Want to know more about our work in the country? Check out the country page here.

Help spread the word! If you've found our newsletter through a link, subscribe today to receive news as soon as it's released. You can also have a direct impact projects like ones mentioned above by making a donation today.

That’s a wrap for this edition of Catch Up with RET... But we'd like to hear from you! What stories resonate with you, and what would you like to hear more about?

Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

#humanitarian #development #peace #catchupwithRET #news #icymi #newsletter #women #girls #youth #youngpeople #donate #donations #turkiye #turkey #niger #mali #educationcannotwait #training #agriculture #cooperatives #economy #finance #awareness #refugees #hostcommunity #resilience #collaboration

CC: UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency Yield Giving The Rockefeller Foundation UBS Optimus Foundation AGENCIA ESPA?OLA DE COOPERACION INTERNACIONAL PARA EL DESARROLLO - AECID USAID USAID - Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance European Commission - ECHO 世界银行 The World Bank Group 美国国务院


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