*Link to Podcast - The Human Element - Catastrophe at Yellowstone Caldera
Chapter I – The End of the World and We know it
“I don't think the human mind can comprehend the past and the future. They are both just illusions that can manipulate you into thinking there's some kind of change.” - Bob Dylan
Present Day – Houston, TX
Dr. Mark Kinder, PHD, professor of Geology at Texas A & M University in College Station was EnRoute to Channel 6 News in Houston for an interview. Mark new the odds were stacked against him, but was determined to try to warn the public before it was too late.
Dr Kinder arrived at Channel 6 News 15 minutes prior to his interview at 3:00 pm. The duration of the interview would be 4 minutes, a short amount of time to deliver a message that could potentially save humankind.
A Young attractive female reporter approached, she was average height, thin, blonde, attractive, and beautiful, smiling graciously, cheerfully extending her hand.
“Hello Dr. Kinder, I am Monica Mason, thank you for coming in to the studio! The interview will take place in studio 3.” Monica motioned for Mark to follow.
Mark took the seat next to Monica, fumbling with his notes nervously. In contrast to Monica, Mark's appearance and demeanor were far from perfect, standing at just under 6 feet, with longish unkempt wiry hair, sporting black frame glasses, wearing a slightly wrinkled long sleeve shirt, sinched up by a loose necktie and completed by white well-worn Nike tennis shoes. At just over 30 years old, Dr. Kinder was among Texas A & M’s youngest professors. His youthful, carefree appearance were atypical of what one may expect from one of the world's most brilliant scientist.
“Dr. Kinder, are you ready? We start recording in 2 minutes.”
“Yes I am ready” his voice trembled slightly. Mark cleared his throat, chiding himself for the butterflies, reasoning his lectures were normally delivered to a class of up to 200 students, determining the reason to be the size of the audience, this interview would be broadcast to broadcast to millions of viewers. A bead of sweat broke out just above Mark's brow.
“1 minute” Monica announced smiling at Mark confidently.
A green notification light came on in the studio, prompting Monica to smiling sincerely.
“Hello Houston! I’m here with Dr Mark Kinder, world renowned geologist and Professor of Geology at Texas A & M University. Dr. Kinder came to the studio to warn viewers that life on our planet is facing dangerous times due to an increase in the overall temperature at Earth’s core. Dr Kinder, could you tell us what your research revealed and the potential impact for our planet?”
Mark ran his fingers through his hair, forehead wrinkled with concern. " Monica! Earth is in the midst of its sixth major extinction, which started on the early 70s and continues to progress at an alarming rate. In the last 30 years, our planet has experienced a 70% reduction in wildlife, with thousands of species extinct, and more disappearing daily. The sixth extinction, also known as the Holocene Extinction, is occurring at an accelerated rate, up to 1000 times faster, than previous times. The Holocene Extinction is unique because it is directly correlated to human activity.”
“A review of data collected from key sites around the world revealed a significant increase of Magma rising to the surface from the earth's core, significantly increasing the likelihood of an eruption at some of the earths super volcanoes.”
“The rising Magma along with an increase in temperature at the planets core are believed to be similar to conditions prior to the Parmesan extinction, caused by an erupting Flood Basalt that flowed with molten lava for 100 years killing 95% of all life forms on Earth.”
“Scientist believe the temperature spikes are the direct result of the loss of 95 percent of the ice at Earths poles due to warming temperatures caused by the greenhouse gasses produced by carbon-based air pollution.”
“Humankind has crossed a threshold into unchartered territory. We don’t know if the damage to our environment could be reversed, but we do know that staying on our current path will accelerate the process. An environmental event will occur at some point, however, the magnitude, time or it will occur is Unkown”.
“If the humankind could work together in a united effort to drastically reduce carbon-based air pollution, perhaps the warming trend could be reduced or reversed”
Monica signaled Dr Kinder that their time was up. “Thank You Dr Kinder for warning our viewers of the dangers surrounding global warming.” Monica Paused peering intently into the camera to connect with viewers. “To join in the fight to save our planet please reach out to Save Our Species, a nonprofit group devoted to the preservation of life on Earth.
The SOS Web site and contact info were displayed on the screen for 30 seconds before fading into a public service announcement featuring a government program aimed at reducing carbon emissions by 50 percent over the next 20 years.”
“That was awesome Dr. Kinder. Thank You for leading the fight to save our environment. The world needs more humanitarians. Like You” Monica let out a flirty laugh, letting her hand rest on his arm, before standing to walk him out.
A large group were gathered in the stations common area; all eyes glued to a large monitor mounted on the wall, the room was filled with terrible anticipation as images of a mushroom cloud filled the screen.
The Anchor faced viewers with grim expression, voice heavy. “This is a Robert Wright with a Channel 6 news special report. The Yellowstone Caldera, a Super volcano, is erupting for the first time in 650,000 years. The initial eruption occurred at 2:32 pm CST, producing an explosion 100 more times powerful than a nuclear warhead, with everyone in a 400-mile radius feared dead. The Volcano, spewed an estimated 300 million metric miles of ash and methane gas into the environment. Data on the casualties and impact are forthcoming. Stay tuned for continued coverage and updates from The Channel 6 News Team throughout the day as information becomes available” The anchor fell silent, the screen faded to an ad featuring the benefits of this year's Ford F250 Super duty truck.
Mark felt despondent and fearful, peering intently at the ground as he exited the station, trying to remain optimistic, but intuitively knowing that humankind had crossed the threshold, moving past the point of no return.
Chapter 2 – Eighteen & Life
“It is our collective responsibility to preserve and tend to the world in which we all live” Dalai Lama
The boys left the smoke shop with a paper sack filled with several strains of high-grade marijuana along with a variety of edibles, to make the 10-hour drive from Trinidad Colorado to their homes in Dallas, Texas.
Andrew and Alvin both 18, grew up together, recently graduated high school together, and both would start college at Texas A & M in college station in a few months. They made the trip to Colorado every other month to stock up on primo bud. The quality, selection, and price were far better in Colorado compared to Texas, where possession of marijuana could lead to stiff fines, jail time, and a criminal record.
Andrew and Alvin were not perpetuating a life of crime, nor were they thugs, no gang affiliations, and no criminal record. They were good kids, exceptional students with bright futures with a fondness for pot.
The baked boys floated thru the parking lot to their car in a pleasant state of THC based euphoria, getting in and bursting into laughter.
Andrew held his hand up. “Alvin! Stop!” Halting the laughter. He took a deep breath struggling to contain another outburst. “Whoa, I am baked. No way I’m driving right now! Plus, I’m Starving.”
“Check it out Andy!” Alvin pointed to a Dairy Queen across the street.”
“This is DQ Country”
The boys made a beeline across unified by a common mission to satisfy their intense hunger, placing an immense order before settling into a booth and eating with no abandoned.
Andrew and Alvin sat across from one another divided by a mountain of food wrappers, contemplating what to order for dessert. Their sweet musings interrupted by a strange sight. Several people were standing in the dairy queens parking lot staring at the sky in open mouth bewilderment.
The boys rushed outside to investigate, stopping to stare at a gigantic mushroom cloud in the distant horizon, ascending from the earth, filling the sky, and rapidly expanding, as if to the engulf the world.
Staring each other down briefly, frozen for a millisecond, two gunfighters going for their guns, in hopes of getting the draw. Andrew was a bit faster, grabbing his phone, activating the camera to record the cloud on video. After 30 seconds the boys lowered their phones, neither was too sure what to make of it.
“Alvin, I don’t know what caused that gargantuan cloud but my gut tells me we should get as far away from it as soon as possible”
Andrew nodded in agreement prompting the boys to their car. Andrew drove while Alvin pulled up news about the event, securing his phone to a mount on the dashboard.
A Grim face reporter delivered the story.
“The Yellowstone Caldera a Super volcano erupted today, instantly killing an estimated1.5 million people spanning four states. The eruption occurred at 2:32 Mountain standard time spewing 300,000 metric tons of volcanic matter. Some states could see accumulations of up to 10 feet Volcanic Ash “
“The department of homeland security is urging residents in the impacted areas to stay indoors, remain calm, and avoid contact with the ash.”
Connect with Newsfast 24/7 continuous coverage of the catastrophe at Yellowstone.”
Both boy’s phones lit up with notifications, prompting Andrew to pull to the side of the road for them to answers calls or texts from concerned families and friends.
Back on the road, Andrew and Alving drove south in uneasy silence, each processing the potential ramifications of the eruption, both were bright kids, with a strong science foundation, giving them a good understanding of the potential impact
Alvin eyes were wide with fear” Andy, do you remember what we learned in Dr. Coopers Class last year”
“Yeah! The five major extinctions, the role of volcanic activity in each extinction, and the potential impact should one of the super volcanos erupt.” Andrew paused for a moment before adding quietly “Like Yellowstone Caldera,” turning pale as memories of the lessons learned returned with unsettling clarity.
Alvin’s jaw tightened, with tears welling up in his eyes, gripped by fear, struggling to maintain his composure. “Damnit Andy! This is not Good! This is an environmental event just like the ones that Dr. Cooper taught us about. Damnit. We are so screwed!”
“Alvin chill, I know it’s bad bro, but were still alive. We got to work with what we got and try to stay strong. No matter what we bros till the end.” Andrew held out his right fist to enforce the statement with a fist pump.
Alvin acknowledges the first pump, still agitated. “Damnit Andy! This is bullshit!! What about all of our plans? Do you think A & M will even be open for the fall semester? This eruption is going to change everything!”
“Alvin I know, but panicking is not going to change a thing. What’s done is done. Now we have to stick together and deal with what we got”
Alvin and Andrew were two kids who were on the right path their life choices, academic achievements, community service, caring nature and passion for life were steering them down the road to prosperity.
The eruption at Yellowstone Caldera changed the course of Alvin and Andrew’s life, with plans to for college and career halted indefinitely.
The magnitude and impact of the catastrophe were devastating leading both Andrew and Alvin to join the humanitarian effort to help those areas impacted by the volcano, aligning them around a universal goal shared by all of humankind, to stay alive in a volatile and dangerous world.
Chapter 3 – The Good Professor
“Bad news isn’t wine. It doesn’t improve with time” Colin Powell
Silence fell over the news room briefly, before giving way to a burst of frantic activity. (Sound effects Bustle of Activity)
Monica Mason caught up to Dr. Kinder on the way to his Car, latching onto his arm and guiding him back into the interview room, struggling to keep her emotions in check with tears rolling down her cheek.
“Oh my God, Dr. Kinder, please forgive me! I feel like a fool, this is exactly what you were warning us about!”
“Yes, in part” Mark said silently, dreading the questions forming on Monica’s lips, knowing the answers revealed terrible truths with terrifying consequences
“Dr. Kinder, please accept my sincere apologies, your warnings, and predictions deserve utmost priority? Would you mind going back on the air for a live interview? The viewers are ready to listen. The nation... the world could benefit from your knowledge? Please??”
Mark was torn between his commitment to humankind and his integrity as a scientist, reasoning that data was still forthcoming, pausing to mentally run a few calculations before deciding there was a 99.85 percent probability the Yellowstone Caldera Eruption was directly related to the melting polar ice.
“Hmmm, there is a small probability that my calculations are off. . I don’t want to sound the alarm until the data is irrefutable.” Marks's forehead wrinkled with intense concentration.
“Mark, as a scientist, you know the chances are slim to none this eruption was a coincidence. I believe you were chosen by fate to meant to deliver a message.” Monica’s eyes met marks probing silently, questioningly.
“Mark” Monica said softly, resting her hand reassuringly on his forearm “You know the world deserves to know, the facts, as well as the potential short- and long-term impact. You reached out the station, to try to warn the public! Right now, you have their undivided attention! I have a strong intuition about people and my gut tells me you are an upstanding, consciousness. Man. Please Dr. Kinder?”
Dr. Kinder nodded in silent affirmation, trying desperately to push the thoughts away that it may too late, that perhaps humankind had already past the point of no return.
Monica, was a whirlwind of activity, ringing her producer, and f jotting down questions on a notepad, preparing to deliver the the story that could help save humankind
A voice rang out from the studio intercom, “30 seconds!” The room cleared with only Dr. Kinder and Monica Mason remaining. “five, four, three, two, one, Live!” (Sound effect Special report)
Monica peered into the camera, face beaming with grim sincerity. “Hello, this is Monica Mason with the channel six live news team with an important update on the Yellowstone Caldera Eruption. I am here with Texas A & M geologist Dr. Mark Kinder.” .
“Dr. Kinder, the scenario you described earlier about the melting polar ice causing an increase volcanic activity seems disturbingly accurate. Could you share your findings and concerns with our viewers?”
“Monica, scientific data collected at critical collection points from around the world, reveal that our planets core is warming. Earth has lost 97% of the ice at poles, due to greenhouse gases created by human activity. The polar ice, played a crucial role in cooling the magma that rest at our planets core. In the absence of the ice, the overall temperature of the Earth's core has increase by approximately 3% Celsius, enough to cause the magma to become volatile, surging to the surface seeking release.”
“The last Major Eruption at Yellowstone Caldera, one of the earths most powerful Super volcanos, occurred approximately 640,000 years ago, spewing 240 cubic miles of Lava and Ash over half of what is now the United States of America, changing the face of north America, and reducing numbers of every species on the continent by 60%”
“ Today’s eruption marks a horrific milestone for humankind, moving life on earth into unchartered and dangerous ground.”
“Dr. Kinder, could you tell viewers what the potential impact is to our nation and to the world.”
“Monica the data is not yet available for an accurate analysis however in the interest of survival of the species, I’ll share what I believe to be true”
“By early estimates today’s eruption was similar in size and magnitude as the previous eruption at Yellowstone Caldera. Using those perimeters, the initial blast from the eruption produced an explosion 100 times more powerful than a nuclear warhead, obliterating everything in a 300–500-mile radius. Potentially producing up to 2 million casualties and leaving as many as 10 million displaced. “
“By my estimates the eruption spewed an estimated 250 million cubic miles of Volcanic Ash, with the potential accumulations of up to 10 feet of volcanic ash in Montanna, Wyoming, and Colorado, and 3 inches of volcanic matter covering the entire Midwest.”
“The Ash, comprised of billions of microparticles of rock, minerals, and volcanic glass will wreak havoc on agriculture, wiping out an estimated 75% of all crops, and livestock. We will see an 80 percent of all wildlife and sea life species will as well. The volcanic ash and volcanic gases will produce Acid rain, killing, maiming, or sickening every living creature, plant or human that it touches.”
“The volcanic Ash and Methane Gases produced by the eruption will trigger a nuclear winter of unknown duration, perhaps as long as 10 years for the entire continent, resulting in deep losses in agriculture likely leading to widespread famine across the region.”
Monica listened, sinking into a state of despair, the impact was fare worse than she imagined.
“Dr. Kinder why is it important to for us to understand the cause of the Yellowstone Caldera Eruption?”
Marks gazed into the camera, despondent, trying to hide the fear festering from within.
“For many reasons Monica. Humans are the most intelligent species on the planet proving to be resourceful, surviving many hardships throughout history. Understanding the data could help us find ways to reduce the impact. There is a high probability that the Yellowstone eruption could be the first in a series of volcanic activity that could be potentially be catastrophic for all life on earth. Time is critical, it is imperative the world unite to slow or reverse the warming trend while there is still time”
“Thank You Dr. Kinder” Monica peered intently into the camera to drive home the warning.
“This is Monica Mason with the channel six news team. Stay tuned for live updates on the Yellowstone Caldera Eruption as they become available.”
Monica sat trying to gain her composure, shaking uncontrollably for several minutes with Dr Kinder at her side, comforting her.
In truth both Dr. Mark Kinder and Monica Mays were terrified, fearful for their own lives and for the fate of humankind.
Chapter 4 - The Magic Bus
“The Greatest Threat to our planet is that someone else will save it.” Robert Swan
Ms. Appleton stood in front of the class off twenty-eight fidgeting, second graders, waiting in anticipation to begin their fieldtrip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.
Ms. Appleton issued a command to the students with bold clarity “Class! Quiet down!” Causing the chatter to stop. The students new better than disobey, Ms. Appleton was a stern, but fair, schoolmaster who commanded respect. Twenty-Eight pairs of young eyes focused to the front, waiting expectantly for instructions. Waiting in anticipation to board the bus to take them on a new adventure, filled with excitement. The class was learning about the origins of the earth, evolution, and humankind during the neanderthal period filled with the curiosity and wonder, their young minds absorbing massive amount of information as they ventured out to experience the world. The chatter stopped, but the children's body language said it all, the kids could barely contain their enthusiasm.
Ms. Appleton, did a quick roll call, checking to ensure that every child had a parental consent form on file. Satisfied that all was in order she issued clear instructions to the class in an authorative voice.
“Attention students! I know that you are all excited to tour the Denver Museum of Natural Science. And I am delighted to accompany you. We will start boarding the bus in a few moments. I want to remind you of the instruction we went over in class earlier.” Ms. Appleton, paused looking over a pair of wire rimed round glasses that rested on the bridge of her nose, continuing only after she had every student's attention. “When I call your row, stand up from your seats, go to hallway, and form a single file line against the wall.” When principal miller calls for our class, we walk single file to the bus and take our seats. You may talk quietly to the person in sitting next to you, but no yelling, screaming, fighting, or roughhousing! If you misbehave, the entire class will return to the classroom, and the field trip will be canceled. Does everyone understand?”
All 28 second graders responded in choreographed unison “Yes, Ms. Appleton.”
The intercom rang out “Ms. Appleton’s class, please board the bus now.” Prompting the Children to march single file, in military like precision to join another second-grade class already on the bus.
The fifty-seven second-graders from booker elementary explored the museum with childlike wonder. Studying the artifacts, trying out the interactive learning displays, and asking dozens of questions. The children’s favorite exhibit was the dinosaurs, but they also liked the section dedicated to the Neanderthals, and they were intrigued, although somewhat confused, on Earth’s five major extinctions.
The field trip wrapped up without incident, with the children reboarding the bus to return to school. The second graders were tuckered out and cranky on the ride back to school, weary of being good, struggling to minding their manners.
Ms. Appleton, decided the best course of action was to engage the students on the ride home, reasoning that it would great learning experience and serve to prevent the class from taking their tired exhaustion out on one another.
“Attention Students!” the bus grew quiet “I wanted to see if anyone wanted to talk or had questions about our visit to the museum?”
Danny’s hand flew up “Ms. Appleton, I need to Pee really bad.” Danny extended drew out the vowels in real and bad in a whiny high-pitched voice, crossing his legs squirming.”
“Danny try your best to hold it. We are in the middle of the freeway, there are no places to stop but we will arrive back at the school in 5 minutes.”
“Okay!” Johnny whined, his face contorted into a grimace, gritting his teeth, visibly putting all his effort into it. Sally’ raised her hand, waiting patiently for Ms. Stapleton to take note. Proud to be Ms. Appleton's star student.”
“Sally, wha...”
Ms. Appleton never complete the sentence. As an explosion of bright light exploded in a searing flash of light, causing the bus to fish tail, before sliding to a stop, wedged between an 18-wheeler and a concrete truck.
Ms. Appleton pulled herself to her feet, staring at a massive pile up, the freeway littered with vehicles, thrown around like matchbox cars as far as the eye could see in both directions Children screaming and crying, tossed around the bus like ragdolls. The bus driver was slumped over the wheel unconscious.
Ms. Appleton called out the Children “Attention students, please remain calm and stay where you are. It seems our bus was involved in accident. I’m, certain help is on the way and will be arriving shortly.
Ms. Appleton spent the next 30 minutes tending to minor injuries, trying not draw attention the grey substance accumulating around the bus.
In truth Ms. Appleton was terrified, the highway was littered with vehicles, the bus driver was injured or dead, and the menacing gray matter was already covering the windows along both sides of the bus.
Within an hour, all the vehicles on this portion of the highway were buried under 14 feet of volcanic ash. Ms. Appleton, passed out glow sticks to the children, offering reassurances to the 57 second grades that rescue teams were on the way.
No one knew what happened, the 5 adults quietly speculating that the city may be under a nuclear attack, with everyone on the surface be dead, leaving them to die a slow agonizing death in the yellow submarine. They had no option except to wait with eerie uncertainty for a rescue team to arrive.
Ms. Appleton refused to give up hope, or show signs of uncertainty. Instead transforming the bus into a Magic Bus, supernaturally fortified to protect them until rescuers arrive. To keep the children engages she assigned the kids small tasks aimed at helping rescuers find them. Ms. Appleton kept hope alive for everyone on the bus, ignoring the terror growing inside her, pushing aside her fears that the Yellow Magic Bus, was really a yellow tomb, custom crafted by the grim reaper for 57 children and five adults to transport them to deaths door.
Chapter 5 Hope Floats
“What we’ve got to do is keep hope alive. Because without it we’ll sink”- John Lennon
Monica Mays live interview with Dr. Mark Kinder received international media attention with both Mark and Monica receiving an invite to sit on the Presidents Yellowstone Caldera Advisory council, prompting their decision to travel from Houston to Washington DC together, two colleagues united around a common goal. In truth the couple had spent every waking moment together since first meeting at the Channel six news studio in Houston.
Dr. Kinder sat on the Scientific Advisory Board. Monica was now working for ABC World news and on temporary assignment to the White House Press Corp
Mark was waiting for Monica outside of her Whitehouse Guest room.
“Hello Dr. Kinder, would you join me for a stroll around the grounds?” Monica asked coyly, smiling broadly, her eyes meeting his for a moment before looking away.
“Ms. Mason, I would be delighted” Mark offered his arm which she accepted, an 18th century lady accompanied by her gentleman caller. new found friend.
Mark and Monica were just getting to know one another, each secretly yearning for love to grow from the friendship., but fearing the feelings may not be mutual
“Mark, I am really excited about President Isaac’s speech tonight. He hinted he may use the story about the 57 kids trapped in the bus in Colorado. I love that story, so inspiring!”
Dr. Kinder paused, making eyer contact. “Monica, there is an urgent matter that I need to discuss with you? right away”
“Of course, what is it Mark?” Monica asked nervously.
Mark peered into her eyes affectionately “Monica, the eruption at Yellowstone taught me some very valuable life lessons. I understand now life cannot be taken for granted, our lives could end in the blink of an eye. What I know to be true beyond a shadow of a doubt is that the last six days we have spent together are the happiest days in my life. Monica, I’m in love with you! Regardless if our time in this world is 1 day, 1 week, or 1year, I am certain that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Mark dropped to one knee, removing his college alumni ring and presenting It to her. “Monica Mason, will you marry me?”
For the first time in her life Monica Mason was speechless, meeting his eyes, tears streamed down her face. Monica wrapped her arms around him lovingly. "Yes! Yes! Yes, Dr. Mark Kinder, I will marry you.”
Mark and Monica brought their lips together for their first Kiss, savoring the sweet fruits of endless love.
Monica and Mark sat together, holding hands, in the House Chamber, waiting on President Isaac to deliver his state of the union address, joyous to have found one another. Their love permeating the Yellowstone Eruption. Grateful for each day with one another.
“Ladies and Gentlemen the President of the United States.
President Isaac stepped up to the podium to address the nation, to pay respects to fallen Americans, to plant a seed of hope for a grieving nation, and as testament that the United States of America would weather the disaster at Yellowstone with the resiliency.
“My fellow Americans, please join me for a moment of silence to remember the fallen” President Isaac bowed his head saying a silent prayer for the victims, the survivors, the impacted families, and for guidance to navigate the challenges the nation faced on the horizon.
“2.5 million Americans lost their lives; 10 million Americans are displaced but the spirit of America lives on.”
“Our nation faces significant challenges in the days ahead, with an estimated 76% of agriculture lost, a broken or damaged infrastructure, the possibility of a very long cold winter, the economy in the throes of recession, and no foreseeable end to our struggles in sight. Some have said that our situation is hopeless. I declare that Americans will never lose hope, we will unite to keep the spirit of hope alive in America!”
Images of the victims rescued from a tomb of volcanic ash began to appear on a field of screens surrounding the President. “Just ask any of the 8,435 victims that were buried under up to 14 foot of volcanic Ash!”
“Some of you may have already heard about the rescue of 57 children buried under 14’ of volcanic ash. Hope, was alive when 57 second graders, and five adults were pulled from a school bus buried under 14 feet of volcanic ash by a team of brave Americans that refused to give up hope.”
“The school bus was trapped in the bottom of a narrow gulley deep under the Ash. acting on eyewitness accounts, volunteers and rescuers dug thru the area for 2 days looking for the bus coming up empty handed, but refusing to give up hope. On the morning of third day, they unearthed a mirror belonging to the bus, rekindling their efforts to dig with renewed passion, never losing hope. Twelve hours later their perseverance paid off, the children upon hearing the shovels as the dug thru the Ash began shout and beat on the roof of the bus. 3 agonizing hours later the rescuers found the school bus, with everyone on board alive sustaining only Minor injuries. HOPE IS ALIVE IN AMERICA.
“The bus may have been gone forever, had it not been for the actions of Ms Appleton, a determined school teacher who refused to give up hope”
“Ms. Appleton, transformed the buried school bus, into a magic bus, fortified with special powers to keep everyone on the bus safe. When the ash covered the bus, blocking out the light, Ms. Appleton never lost hope, she distributed glow sticks to illuminate the magic bus.”
“Ms. Appleton never gave up hope, when there was no sign of rescue teams. She engaged the children, assigning teams to listen for rescuers, and allotting periods of quiet to help. Ms. Appleton and her class of second graders worked together to lead rescues to the bus’s resting place over 200 yards from where they were searching, HOPE IS ALIVE IN AMERICA
“The United States of America will never be hopeless, as long as there are Americans, our spirit will keep hope alive! Our country may be beaten, broken, and facing tumultuous times but our spirit will never be broken!”
President Isaac was overcome with emotion, tears welling up in his eyes, rolling down his cheeks, crying tears of sadness for the loss of American Lives and tears of Joy for the resiliency of the American Spirit.