“Cataract & Refractive Surgery 360"
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Knowledge Check: Are you able to answer the following questions?
- Which are the advantages and disadvantages of same-day bilateral surgery?
- Which are the advantages of the Barrett True-K calculator?
- How much are toric intraocular lenses affected by malposition?
- How much and in what percentage of the cases is ocular pressure affected by cataract surgery?
If you are not able to answer or you are not sure, access the free, online activity
“Cataract & Refractive 360: Fundamentals, Techniques & Technology; Volume 4, Number 3”. Monograph from Healio.
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Use the link below to read the activity.
If you train residents, use this article as a ‘Flipped classroom” (click here to learn how).
What you will need to do to access the course: (Read complete instructions before clicking on the link)
Click on this link to go to the course
Once you get to the activity, to start it you will need to log in to Healio. For this you need to:
Create a free account or (you will be asked to do this by a popup window)
Log in with your credentials if you already registered before
If you need more help contact Dr. Eduardo Mayorga at [email protected]