A catalyst of Humanness.
Kalindi Khairkar
Global Precision : Administrative Partner in Worldwide Field Operations
Is HR only confined to the walls of getting salary, offer letters or getting promotions?
After a short while working closely with some of the ace HR leaders, I have realised that the HR is rooted to Human Relations.We, HRPs, act as the invisible force of positivity working towards betterment of employees, employers and associates.An employee working for any organisation is a Human Project and is under the wings of the HR and that is absolute. Irrespective of whether the employee is convinced or not, though if he/she isn't then somewhere we are being wrong in the whole process and in some scenarios the employees too are rigid but that doesn't refrain us from cultivating and nourishing them in every possible way.
The way employees shape themselves, to grow in their career and gain experiences, is the most important KRA of an HRP.
An Human Resource Team handles the most important asset of its company, it's Employees. An employee is a living and breathing asset of the company, it is not a simple job to align all the employees with the vision and mission of the company.The fluctuations of a human brain are unconventional. Every brain has a different wiring, resolving them and building with them towards a healthy thought process is a very meticulous job.
The "Humanness" of every individual has to be understood and needs to be aligned with the main source of the energy in an organisation.Let's take an example of our Universe where the Sun emits energy in the form of sunlight and the other planets revolve in their own as well as the sun's axis.That imaginary axis on which the planets revolve is how HR works. It is not to be seen but plays a very instrumental role in the movement of the entire solar system, for us it is our people and the vision of the organisation.
With the best of all the world, we can further work on the various branches of the HR Management.By building a strong bond with employees we parallelly make sure that all the employees are rewarded through the system of Performance Management and linking most of the activities together i.e. employee engagement, reward recognition which further grows to leadership management.Giving new career growths and new experiences to the Humans of our team.
We Human Resource Partners are the invisible force of positivity which only works for the betterment of its employees, employers and associates.
Well next time if you think,what does an HR do? please re- read my vision towards the HR, I am sure we shall come to agreeable grounds.
Do let me know if we can discuss some more important responsibilities of HR and build an healthy work environment for one and all.