Catalyst for Growth
I always talk about motivation, and to be honest, I find myself being more vulnerable when I'm experiencing deep change in my life. What's so funny about it all is that I feel the most motivated when life is forcing me to change. Have you ever stopped and listened to your own voice? Do you know what your voice sounds like? This is something that I've thought about. At times, it's easy to follow what we typically do every day. We are conditioned to just do and not take a step back to see how it affects us or others.
So in order to have vision and impact, it takes deeper self-reflection. I've recognized that the things that are happening to me aren't necessarily negative, but they are actually happening for me. When something changes for you, the opportunity to narrate a positive outcome is reluctant in our response. Plus, it's sometimes better to do nothing too crazy until you have an idea of what needs to be accomplished. If I could give anyone a piece of advice, it would be to not just focus on accomplishments but to spark your interest great enough that you do something different. I believe thinking outside the box can be a superpower. Superpowers as a kid were believable just like I used to think The Rock was choke-slamming people. I mean, he was definitely choke-slamming them, but they sold it with their flops. I think we can utilize this same concept: oversell the flop, make it fun, and reap the reward in the end. I'm not saying everything will be peachy; I'm saying believe in the impossible more. I tell people all the time that I'm going to be a billionaire, and that is because I believe it. No way God made me and didn't give me the capacity to achieve it. I may not know exactly how I'm going to do it, but I know that I will.
If you're reading this far, this is for the genius level. We need more innovation and collaboration. We need more people willing to participate in developing greater communities. A lot of us have similarities; that's why we are all here. I've always been able to reach out to the masses. I have not a damn clue where this will take me in the next 20 years. I do know that I want to connect with other like-minded people and learn from them. Whatever information I have that they need, allow me to pour it on you, and hopefully, you do the same for me. I write this with joy simply because these are my thoughts. No computer, no help from AI (I'm not knocking it; I'm just saying...) and with an open mind. One of the topics I will be discussing in the near future is venture capital; it's time to do business, people. There have been enough small talks across the waves, and we should be pushing for change in the ecosystem as we prepare to enter 2025!