The Catalyst #14: Adaptability
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The Catalyst #14: Adaptability

...because adapting is the new thriving

Dinosaur - mammoth in size, immeasurable in strength but still got extinct.

Kodak - the undisputed leader in the photography industry, with a market share of over 90% once & then eventual bankruptcy in 2012.

Blackberry - the most popular phones company once & then struggling to catch up with competition.

Do you know what did these have in common?

Their lack of ability or resistance to adjusting themselves with the changing needs, environment & context.

Their inability to adapt to the demands of the situation.

TL;DR (Too Long, Didn't Read)

In this edition you'll find

  1. Appeal for supporting a noble cause (contribute or even share the word)
  2. What is adaptability?
  3. How does adaptability help in career advancements & personal life?
  4. What are the strategies to develop adaptation skills?
  5. Link to our latest episode of the podcast
  6. Conclusion + 3 FREE downloadable resources
  7. Appeal to volunteer for FREE Ebook review

Appeal for supporting a noble cause (contribute or even share the word)

Extending the benefits from Talk Around the Clock - 24h charity conference for the needy, our team of Project Managers have created an eBook titled "Ethics in Project Management: Global Insights" & is available for purchase. The funds through the sale of this book will be utilized for the medical needs of victims of war through Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) i.e. doctors without borders.

Click on the link to grab your copy today because Every life matters. Every contribution counts.

Least you can do is spread the word & share this with your network.

What is adaptability?

Adaptability is the ability of an individual or a living thing to adjust to its surroundings. It is adjusting to the new environment & to the changes in the current environment to overcome the challenges posed by these.

Notice how chameleon (or for that matter even some underwater octopus) change their colors to get camouflaged with the surroundings they are in. This is their way to adjust & disguise themselves to protect from their predators.

Adaptability is the key to survival. It had been in the past. It is in the present. And it will be in the future.

How does adaptability help in career advancements & personal life?

  1. Career growth: One of the key differentiators between individuals is their ability to welcome & embrace changes. The way they adapt to the situations is crucial as change is the only permanent thing. An adaptable person will be more preferred & have scope for more opportunities as against someone with resistance to change & adapt.
  2. Problem Solving: Being adaptable necessarily requires being open to change, being open to learn, unlearn and re-learn. Adaptable person thus possess skills not merely based on knowledge but through experiencing different situations, challenges & knowing what often works and what often does not. They are likely to be problem solvers as they are open to ideas, think of solutions that can bring about compromise or involve adjustments to make things working.
  3. Teamwork: Being adaptable helps immensely in team work. Being able to share the work load, being able to arrive at solutions to critical problems through discussions & understanding each other's viewpoint requires one to be more willing to adjust & adapt to the demands of the situation.
  4. Builds Resilience: With adaptability, an individual is able to sail through seas of challenges quite easily by finding solutions that work or making adjustments to keep moving. This builds resilience in an individual and they are confident of tackling any unforeseen incident & arriving on the top of it, bouncing back from the lows & reaching to the highs.
  5. Strong bonds & relationships: Adjustments are inherent to relationships. Its important to realize none of us are perfect & we all have imperfections. In order to celebrate the perfections & acknowledge & appreciate the imperfections among us, requires a consciously adjustable nature. Individuals that are excellent at adapting themselves or adjusting with others, find themselves many friends even in a group of strangers.
  6. Willingness to Learn: Change is the only constant thing. If this is so, the situations would change, technology would change, surroundings would change, skills that are needed to progress would change & lots more. An adaptable person is always keen & willing to learn newer things which makes them quick learners & adapters to any change for survival.

What are the strategies to develop adaptation skills?

  1. Embrace Change: I have said this before & it makes sense to iterate it, "Change is the only constant thing". Hence, to develop your adaptation skills, embrace change. Do things that you haven't tried before or are out of your regular comfort zone. Challenge yourself to learn new skill, to try a new hobby, to work at a different place, to talk to a stranger, to do what you are fearful of trying or doing.
  2. Growth mindset: In every challenge or a problem, cultivate a growth mindset. Don't see yourself as a victim but look at yourself as a savior who has been challenged for survival, for growth, for progressing. As one of the famous quote says, "When life throws challenges at you - Don't ask 'why me'? Instead say, 'try me'". In every problem, try to find an opportunity to shine.
  3. Continuous Learning: Stay updated about the latest changes across the globe, in terms of environment, politics, economy, behavioral changes, transformational ideas & more. One of the easiest ways to adapt to something is to be prepared for it. Continuous learning will help stay prepared & ahead of the rest in the quest to overcome challenges & to actively adapt to changes.
  4. Stay Flexible: While its always best to have a plan & to follow a certain process, its equally important to be flexible to adapt to changes due to uncertainties, even if that means cancelling your previous plan/process or redoing it partially or completely once the new changes are learned about. As per one of the famous Japanese proverbs - “The bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that resists.”

The Catalyst Podcast - latest episode

To listen to the last edition of The Catalyst, tune in to the below link. Know all about negotiation in less than 14 minutes. You definitely don't want to miss this!

Adaptability is not just a skill needed but its needed at all times. You never know when you may need to demonstrate this skill & to what extent & level of expertise.

Want to read more examples of brutal extinctions due to failure to adapt?

Here's a list of some 50 businesses that now serve as best case studies or examples for need of adaptability & for being "ready for change" as & when the situation calls for it.

In order to not become "extinct" in this current world of uncertainties, adaptability is the skill that will not only keep you afloat but also help grow, develop & become successful.

Because adapting is the new thriving.

Isn't adaptability a super power in real sense?

Isn't being adaptable then equivalent to Darwin's "fittest" in his theory for survival of the fittest?

In this edition of The Catalyst, we absorbed what adaptability is, how adaptability can help in career advancements & personal development & what are the actionable strategies for developing adaptation skills.

And really, no rocket science there.

I hope this edition was helpful in giving you practical insights into building adaptation skills & will encourage, challenge & help you master adaptability.

If yes, consider spreading the word & sharing this with your network.

And remember, in order to be prepared for the change, you either originate the change or you adapt to it.

Has adaptability made you marketable?

What challenges do you think can hinder an individual from being adaptable?

What do you think will happen if a person is unwilling to adapt to the changing situations & environments?

I would love to hear your thoughts.

Do you have any questions related to how you can become adaptable in quick time?

What is the challenge you are facing & unable to cope with it yet?

DM me on LinkedIn and let's discuss it further.

FREE downloadable resources (for anyone interested to grow)

Guide To Effective Delegation

Guide To Effective Conflict Management

Guide To Effective Decision Making

Want to get notified of new published resource? Subscribe here

Appeal to volunteer for FREE Ebook review

Over the past few months, I had been considering authoring a series of books. In fact, I have worked on it & the first two books are ready to be reviewed/published.

I need few volunteers to review the both the books & need reviews from them in terms of its content, relevance & usability. Also, any inputs or suggestions within the scope of changes to accommodate are welcome.

While is going to be a short (Around 50-60 pages) books, the first one is related to project management & while the target audience is anyone new to project management and the second one is related to a deep dive in creation of Project Charter.

I am specifically looking for volunteers who fall in either of these categories as mentioned below -

1. new or pivoting to project management

2. intermediate level project managers

3. advanced level or established project managers.

If anyone is interested to volunteer, please DM me on LinkedIn and I will share with you the drafts shortly.

Please note that I need only a few more volunteers for this as I plan to release the first book by June end & the second one by mid July 2024.


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