Cat knocked down by a car : the right things to do
Vanina BESSE - Responsable Formation ????♀?
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This is a situation that nobody wants, but unfortunately it is not uncommon to see crushed cats on the side of the road. If you attend the scene of the accident or if you are the author, especially do not go your way. Your intervention could save a cat's life.
Put the cat safe : If the cat is injured and is unconscious, wrap it gently in a towel or clothing, without turning the body. If he is conscious, approach him gently, talking to him to reassure him, by placing himself at his height. Then try to wrap it in a blanket. Be careful, a cat in shock can quickly become aggressive.
Once safe in your arms, shelter the cat in a warm place to avoid hypothermia. Then install it in your car or at home on a flat, rigid surface while waiting for the veterinarian. When handling the animal, always keep your head slightly back to allow the brain to be irrigated and to prevent choking if it vomits. If you feel that the cat is seriously injured and that moving it may make it worse, simply place a blanket over him and wait by his side for the veterinarian to arrive.
Do the first aid gestures : If the cat is bleeding a lot, take sterile compresses or clean clothing and press on the wound. You can also make a bandage, but make sure it is not excessively tight (a tourniquet should not be held in place for more than 15 minutes!). Above all, do not use disinfectant or alcohol to disinfect the wound. Use at most saline to clean the wound. To take the pulse of a cat, know that the most effective place is the groin, where the hip joins the hind legs. Take him to the vet
You have two options : either you have a vehicle and you can immediately bring the injured cat to the nearest veterinarian, or you call the vet to pick up the cat at the accident site or at your place. In any case, know that it is essential to bring a cat to the vet after a car accident, even if the blow was not too strong. Indeed, the cat may have internal bleeding invisible to the naked eye, but that could cost him his life....
Sources : Planète Animal ; Yummypets ; Vet At Home -