Cat bite is common in workplace! How wanna grip the cat!
Cat bite is common in workplace! How wanna grip the cat!

Cat bite is common in workplace! How wanna grip the cat!

Most of the time people heard a lot of stories about ‘cat bite’ in workplace. Cat Bite! Huh, is your office allowing you to bring pet in the office? Wow! How about hospital? Generally speaking, hospital doesn’t allow pet unless it’s animal hospital. Hmmmm, actually the ‘cat bite’ is a symbol of scratching and hurting people in the workplace both physically or mentally. Normally, the office work is a bit of stressful along with lot of assignments, targets, projects, derivable, key performance indicators need to work-out. With all those challenges, there are some people who love to play cat-bite with others, do hurt them, blame them with creating a reasonable scenarios or find a silly reason to blame, and keep scratching. Only difference is cat scratches without hating anyone but those people in office do purposeful bite with playful nature and establishes hatred. Most of the time high performing team player is the target, make them become upset in a situation where they drop their rhythm of performance. It reminds a story for those who drop performance rhythm due to scratches in a workplace!

Some people in Office who love to play cat-bite with others, do hurt them, blame them with creating a reasonable scenarios or find a silly reason to blame, and keep scratching

The story goes on that, one day an old man was having a turn in the forest when he suddenly saw a little cat stuck in a hole. The poor animal was struggling to get out. So, he gave him his hand to get him out. But the cat scratched his hand. The man pulled his hand screaming with pain. But he did not stop; he tried to give a hand to the cat again and again. Another man was watching the scene, screamed with surprise, “For god sakes! Stop helping this cat! He’s going to get himself out of there”.

The old man did not care about him, he just continued saving that animal until he finally succeeded, and then he walked to that man and said, “Son, it is cat’s Instincts that makes him scratch and to hurt, and it is my job to love and care”.

“Son, it is cat’s Instincts that makes him scratch and to hurt, and it is my job to love and care”

Believe it or not, it’s the nature of those unreasonable people who get pleasure of scratching others to create a fear in the office environment. But if you’re the high performer, the first thing is to determine who you’re? Where you stand for? Are you in the same page of those insane people or you wanna difference like to be the purple cow in the office! If you want to differentiate you from others, follow the difference road, the bumpy, rough, hard and inspiring road that drive you to see that old man at the end. Doesn’t matter how much they scratch you! And if you’re concentrating on success and achievement, then all scratches are meaningless to you, even you don’t feel any pain as well. But if you concentrate on the scratch and every time you look at that scratch, each times you feel pain and it drops your performance. Most importantly it also creates hatred inside your mind; pollute your heart and soul. And this is what those people want! They want to see your reaction on their scratching email, express dissatisfaction, blues, and show your sweat to others. Once you go to their expected situation, they win their game plan; execute you from achievement, tell story to top management about your reactions to them by indicating your offhand attitude and nonprofessional act! Their trap is very clear to pull your leg down from your achievement! Once you fall into their trap, they win, you lose and hard to get it out!

Better to avoid them, ignore their scratching emails, and start goal-oriented dialogue with them, minutes every discussion, follow-up action plan, and be SMARTER [1. “S”–Specific; 2. “M”–Meaningful; 3. “A”–Achievable; 4. “R”–Relevant; 5. “T”–Time-Bound; 6. “E”–Evaluate, and 7. “R”–Readjust]. Always follow these 7 steps while handling those cat-bite people in the office and create an answerable scenario for every action. Sometimes, people misunderstand the last step, readjust. Readjust doesn’t mean that you have to throw out your goals and start all over. What it means is that you have to try different approaches until you find yourself getting closer and closer to work out the assignment. That’s why constant evaluation on a daily basis is so important. If you don’t evaluate, you can’t measure your progress.

1. “S”–Specific;
2. “M”–Meaningful;
3. “A”–Achievable;
4. “R”–Relevant;
5. “T”–Time-Bound;
6. “E”–Evaluate, and
7. “R”–Readjust

Certainly office and hospital doesn’t allow pet or cat inside the premises but there are few people who bring pet inside their body, mind and soul. And remember, few top levels Board of Directors [BoD] like pussy cat, its human instinct, can’t avoid it. Those cat-bite people are very special personality and that’s why the renowned US writer Jennifer Konner said that “When the insane people start the chatter, there's no way to win that fight. It's literally like arguing with someone who is speaking another language, so there's no engaging with that kind of stuff.” It also reminds a funny story about WHO IS TO BLAME? Like one day, a father is talking with his son about his school grade and the conversation gives a clear understanding of those cat-bite people mentalities. Father: ‘You know that mother is very angry when you get bad marks at school’. Son: “Well, it’s not me who is to blame; it’s the teacher who gives bad marks”.

Father:You know that mother is very angry when you get bad marks at school’.
Son: Well, it’s not me who is to blame; it’s the teacher who gives bad marks”.

So, my friend, cool down, relax, think like wise old man, don’t look at the scratching email or action, and just fix your next 7 steps on how you get through it and finish your assignment. You can’t catch them as they are the pussy-cats for the hospital/organizations and every workplace, every single office, there is and are cat-bite people; you can’t get rid of them till you alive. So, taking crazy things seriously is a serious waste of time! Recall what your job is! Your job is to love and care……. Isn’t it!


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