Castles: where legends survive
Juan Carlos Menendez Gijón
Freelance - Fotógrafo y redactor de contenidos
Although there are many who have survived the ineffable passage of time, few, in reality, retain the integrity and gallantry of those distant and dark times, in which they represented, both for better and for worse, the symbol par excellence of feudal power.
In fact, that emporium of dreams, power and privilege that in Spain is known by the name of Castile, derives precisely from them: land of castles and fortresses, of nobles and rebellious lords, generally surly, to cede the privilege of their power, granted by birthright, many became strong behind walls, like this one, where they starred in episodes, whose epic is barely recorded in the history books.
Perhaps for this reason, these melancholic ruins have always had the privilege of having, not only the epic but also poetry, overflowing with imagination and beauty, whose substratum survives, precisely, in that town to which, on many occasions, they subjected in a totally brutal way, a detail that was the ember that set fire to the metaphorical bonfire of the legends, where we will always find a related supernatural reason, which will, on many occasions, make a visit to any of these ruinous medieval settings, also entail , its accurate chill.
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