The castle is now open ... the cafès too!

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Foto: Benedikt Kraft / DBZ

So now the berlin castle opens the gates! Opening in stages, that's how it was planned, Corona helped here. But first: a café in the Schlüterhof, in whose corners colorful raw plastic electrical cables protect ... the castle, the eternal construction site! (like a real castle!).

And there, too, these terrible information columns, signposts and showcases are unconnected with the place and the history of the place, a history that is old and very young at the same time. What will we learn? That a castle of this kind has fallen out of time, as well as those who wanted it and got it and now do not know what to do with it. Co-working spaces?! discotheque? adult evening classes? academy?

... There would be a lot that this building, which occupies very centrally public, i.e. all of our space, would have given back to us after all these decades of elitist appropriation! A castle? A building, a mediocrat statement of our time.


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