Cast More, Catch More!
Have you ever been told “For every no, you are one step closer to a yes! ” Back in my early years when I finding my way in sales, my then boss told me this as I was scouring the towns of #Atlantic Canada seeking companies that would jump on an opportunity to deliver high-speed internet via satellite! It was during this venture that I learned a ton from him.
As I adore the angling experience, and an aspiring fly angler myself, I find the title of this post appropriate. It is without saying that the more companies you reach, the more companies you will sell! With the prospect of this also comes rejection along the way! I believe my statement is true. You really do have to go through some bad before good!
As an exercise, I challenge you to spend the next several weeks prospecting 100 new clients for whatever it is you do in your career. Track the results, and see how many NO’s you get before the YES! At that point, track the success rate at which you received the YES. You will be very surprised how qualified it will be. The bonus? For all of the NO's you will receive, you can be certain that those companies will at least have been exposed to who you and your company are. Leave a solid impression, they will remember you in the future! #partnership
Yes, that is me fly fishing off the shores of Hyannis, Cape Cod, MA