Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
Yesterday, I posted Aim High on the Chief Task. It spoke to the "chief task" as suggested by Epictetus... and I offered thought around its relevance to Choice and the importance of Character. I humbly recommend the read and reflect. That said, today in preparation for a new Semester at College, I was reminded of this quote from Peter Schutz.
Considering on the CASK
I met a manager one time who ran a very customer friendly and helpful...
... operation; one with which I had consistent experience. That said, I dared to ask her how she trained for such friendly and helpful Service.
She said that she didn't. She hired friendly and helpful people and trained them for the jobs at hand. Now, this does not deny the importance of Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (they are indeed important), but the "O" in KSAOs needs be changed to C me thinks; for Character. The "O" traditionally means "Other"; a bit of a "everything bin" but primarily around Temperament... and Temperament is grounded in Character. Maybe it is really about the CASK.... Character, Abilities, Skills and Knowledge. A Cask is a large container like a barrel... holding much capacity. In our people, may we find Character, Ability, Skill, and Knowledge. But maybe, just maybe, we begin with Character.
Justice, Peace and Unity...
Here are some other offerings to possibly consider...
And some thoughtful resources...
Oh, and and Music... yes Music...