Casing The Sunset

Casing The Sunset

Hey there friend..

I'm a believer in stories. By that I mean stories and how they relate to business...maybe YOUR business...and one of my fav ones is about chasing the sunset.

You see as entrepreneurs we often glorify the grind, we're always "hustling" and sleep is for when you're dead.


Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of hustle and grind and burning midnight oil and stuff but here's the flip side of that.

You see the story I like to wrap around all those phrases is that as an entrepreneur we can spend all day...all night...all week grinding and sprinting to the east to watch the sunset.

***** PAUSE and think about that for a sec *****

Only to one day pick up our heads, take a breath and realize that the sun sets to the west.

Did you catch that??

But what that really means is that it doesn't matter how cool your biz driven you are or how much passion you have for entrepreneurship...

If you don't have a map then you're destined to always be chasing the sunset.

And that's why people like me exist.

Stick with me here.

You see we've have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs create their very own road map to success so that when you decide you wanna chase the REAL sunset...well...your MAP keeps you actually chasing the sunset called success.

And our specialty is helping you folks who are ready to launch that CBD business and tap into the modern day canna craze.

So put on them running shoes and head west my friend, the suns a settin'


Rick (headed west) Martinez


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