CASEY Director Favourite Colour: Black wrote and directed the upcoming horror short accepted into Bolton Film Festival and Fright Night Festival

CASEY Director Favourite Colour: Black wrote and directed the upcoming horror short accepted into Bolton Film Festival and Fright Night Festival

When malice and misogyny have a job interview turning sinister, Pattie must have to decide if what's ahead are the venomous jaws of a trap – or a career opportunity! 

Chris Turner, aka FC:B, blends technical mastery and a unique visual style to invoke the creepier dimensions of the contemporary workplace in his latest short film, Leopard Heels, an edge-of-your-seat experience of that most dreaded interaction: the job interview. 

Besides narrative film, Favourite Colour: Black has directed commercially for Jaguar, Adidas, AMC, Sprint, and Honda —for this last one including one of his most recognisable spots, The Evolution of Stunts.  

He has shot music videos for The Kooks, Birdy, Hurts, Jay-Z, Jax Jones, The Vamps, and Gazelle Twin. His projects have been screened at Raindance, The London Short Film Festival, The Berlin Fashion Film Festival, OneDotZero, ASOFF Paris, The BFI Gothic Season, The San Francisco Dance Film Festival, 1.4 and Channel 4's Random Acts. 


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