In Case You Missed It — July 28, 2017
Dear colleagues,
Calling turning points can be a fool’s game. But there is something to be said for the deathly quiet we’ve seen in the jobs market. Jobless claims volatility is at a postwar low even as companies have begun to cite cost cutting as the major driver behind job cut announcements. Is that ‘something’ finally about to give in this recovery that has left so many behind?
I’d love your feedback on my latest Bloomberg Prophets column, linked here:
Bloomberg Prophets — Like Markets, Jobs Are Due for a Jolt
Volatility for labor has reached its lowest in postwar history. What’s next?
I was also in New York ever so briefly as it was the day Fed officials met. Janet Yellen et al took the opportunity of a lame duck meeting to toughen up their language on Quantitative Tightening despite there being np press conference to explain themselves.
Will the Fed begin to shrink its mammoth balance sheet as early as September? Will the opposite of Quantitative Easing have no effect at all on markets? We will all tune in to FedSpeak in the weeks and months to come. The debate will no doubt continue to rage on.
You may be asking why I included a Bill Gross segment. As I was informed shortly after I left the set, CNBC’s Brian Sullivan gave self-deprecation new meaning when he claimed he was not as smart as me. I can assure you after many interviews sitting to his left, Brian is one smart cookie and a might bit smarter than yours truly.
A Few TV Stops in New York on Fed Day
Expert: Fed Fires ‘Shot Across the Bow’ on Balance Sheet Reduction — CNBC The Fed — Danielle DiMartino Booth
No One Knows How the Markets Will React to the Federal Reserve’s ‘Quantitative Tightening’ — The Street — Danielle DiMartino Booth
Fed is Shifting its Focus to Balance Sheet Reduction instead of Interest Rates— CNBC The Fed — Bill Gross
On a personal note, I am delighted so many of you have subscribed. Next Wednesday marks the onset of a new journey and I am gratified to have you along. Bottoms up, friends and new subscribers! I raise my glass to you!
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This weekend and next, wishing you well,
For a full archive of my writing, please visit my website Money Strong LLC at
Click Here to buy Fed Up: An Insider’s Take on Why the Federal Reserve is Bad for America.