Case Study - Why Self-Funding Works
Self-funding has gained popularity as companies seek ways to reduce health insurance costs.
And it isn't just an option for companies in specific industries. It’s something any company can consider to control their health insurance spend.
A major benefit of self-funding is accessing data.
With traditional health insurance, companies cannot access information about their employees' health care spend. This lack of data makes it challenging to identify cost-saving opportunities.
However, with self-funded health insurance, companies have access to this information which can help them identify the most expensive services, diagnose the root cause of their employees' healthcare needs, and implement cost-saving measures.
And unlike traditional health insurance, where premiums are paid regardless of whether services are used, self-funding allows companies to pay only for their employees' healthcare services.
Self-funding is an option that can help companies save considerable money while providing access to valuable data and should be a consideration for all companies regardless of size, industry, or budget.