Case Study

Case Study

Three years ago, I had a new patient presenting with lower back pain of 2-years duration. She had herniated the L5/S1 disc that ultimately turned into a sequested disc that required immediate surgery.

All was well for about a week, when a different pain started in her incision and became unbearable. Upon examination at the local ER, she was diagnosed with a staph infection and another surgery was performed.

Over the ensuing 2-years since the last surgery, she had undergone two rounds of physical therapy, and pain management with no relief.

Sitting in my examination room was a very depressed and unhappy person who immediately told me she did not know why she was in a chiropractic office, because there was nothing that could be done. I asked, "Why are you here, if you do not believe I can help"? She replied that her sister referred her to our office saying that if I couldn't help help, no one could.

During our conversation she became very emotional and broke down crying saying she could not continue to live this way. She is struggling as a teacher, mother, and sister.

After I completed the examination, I told her she would not have to live this way and we could get her moving and decrease her pain. Just saying those words of encouragement and providing hope began her therapeutic intervention on that first visit.

You see, sometimes what we say is more important that what we do.

Within two months, her pain levels were down significantly, she was back working out at the gym, and teaching was once again fun. This happened because I looked at her through the lens of her nervous system. Everyone else had looked at her as an orthopedic condition.

This was the beginning of the Neuro Way To Practice.

I believe as a profession, Chiropractors must expand their minds and start treating these chronic conditions that so many are suffering from. They have been cast off, with comments "Well, I guess you will just have to live with it". No they don't, but if you choose to enter into this arena of healthcare, you will require guidance, education, and cutting edge therapies.

If you want to make a difference in patient's lives, message me so we can have a discussion. If you are a patient or know someone who has experienced what this patient has, please comment, I would love to hear your story and possibly have you on as a guest on my new YouTube Channel, "So You Have A Disc Problem" @SoYouHave-h8q


Ted A. Arkfeld, DC, MS的更多文章

