Case study: Streamlining secrets management at Canva with HashiCorp Vault

Case study: Streamlining secrets management at Canva with HashiCorp Vault

One system to rule them all — and stop the sprawl.

Hear from Canva, who spoke at HashiDays 2024. Canva was using Amazon KMS and other secrets management tools, but that didn't stop it from having secret sprawl.

Getting a secrets management tool is a requirement for better security — but you'll see very little security and developer experience improvement if you don't have a strategy to go along with the tools.

The prior state of Canva

Sprawl: Secrets were scattered across hundreds of AWS accounts, 1Password, encrypted app properties, and even some developer laptops. It's not a secure picture.

High-effort rotation: Annual secrets rotation was also a huge effort for the company, lowering engineering productivity when rotation time came around. The sprawl was part of the reason, but not the total cause.

"We had to stop what we were working on and divert engineers away from priorities." Moe Abbas, Cloud Governance Lead, Canva

Reuse (not the good kind): Some groups started using the same secret in multiple environments to reduce effort, but that introduced even more security risks along with a bigger outage blast radius.

Too many touchpoints: There were also a lot of unnecessary touchpoints (read: manual effort) and elevated permissions required in the process.

Audits took a lot of time

Hard to integrate: Previous solutions couldn't integrate with what they needed.

The results of the issues above are pretty obvious: Lots of lost hours of work and lots of risk.

Searching for a standard org secrets manager

That's when Canva centralized secrets management around HashiCorp Vault. It met all its needs in this checklist:

Checklist for HashiCorp Vault at Canva

In fact, Canva looked at three other secrets management vendors, and Vault was the only one that met all of its requirements.

Canva assesses different products

Canva with Vault

Once they adopted Vault, Canva platform engineers went to work preparing their security platform to provide an extremely reliable and easy developer experience. Testing and observability were very important.

They set up a dashboard to monitor Vault clusters based on SLO user flows and even implemented Vault chaos testing.

Why go through all this effort? It's all about building developer trust:

"We were on a mission to change the culture. For the changing culture to succeed, we needed our engineers to trust us, and the way that happens is by building good reliable products. You saw the roadmap and how much we focused on testing, observability, and chaos testing before even thinking about moving anything into the [Vault] cluster. That was all by design to ensure that we don't impact the trust once we begin migrating people's secrets onto our platform." Moe Abbas, Cloud Governance Lead, Canva

The best way to improve the developer experience for secrets management is to remove its visibility and manual touchpoints from the experience. It should be invisible. The developer should barely realize they're managing secrets.

"They'll just get some sort of key with a click or two, and then plug that key into their target client. The secrets management system should take care of issuing the secret to the correct client, and integrate with a wide array of products and all the major cloud providers." Moe Abbas, Cloud Governance Lead, Canva

Vault's impact at Canva: By the numbers

  • It closed a whole category of risk in the business by removing direct engineering access to secrets kept in Vault.
  • 87.5% reduction in processes around secret provisioning. In the past, it involved a 12-step runbook, talking to several teams, and hoping your permissions work across the board. Now you speak to one team, and things just work.
  • 1.2 million secrets issued by Vault in May 2024 — and growing.
  • 100% of secrets can be attributed back to an owner with access to a complete audit trail in seconds.
  • Greater developer, security, compliance, and auditing team satisfaction.

Find out how you can do cloud right with end-to-end secrets management.

