Case Study: PharmaLedger & MediLedger
Portuguese Blockchain Alliance (ALL2BC)
Portuguese ecosystem of enterprises, academic and governmental organizations created to implement Blockchain solutions.
Case Study: PharmaLedger
PharmaLedger is a blockchain-based platform for the healthcare sector that aims to integrate the supply chain of medicines, clinical trials, and electronic health records.
Beginning as an experimental project funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative, the successful collaboration between academics, pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions lead to the creation of the not-for-profit' Pharma Ledger'.
The platform enables secure sharing of data between different stakeholders in the healthcare sector, including patients, healthcare providers, regulators, and pharmaceutical companies.
Ultimately, the not-for-profit works to accelerate the delivery of innovation that benefits patients as well as the wider health ecosystem by encouraging transparency and collaboration.
Indeed the platform has established a proven positive track record with the ability to:
Case Study: MediLedger
Established in 2019 by leaders in the healthcare industry, MediLegder is a privacy first platform for healthcare trading partner transactions.
The blockchain-based platform works to track prescription drugs throughout the supply chain to ensure their validity and prevent counterfeit drugs from reaching the consumer.
For MediLedger, privacy is key. As such, participants on the network maintain their own control of private data and can choose which trading partners are able to view changes to the secure digital ledger.
The innovative platform operates with three major principles:
Ecosystems - For collaborative development
Solutions - Inspire innovation to solve issues
Platform - Provide the building blocks for any type of transaction