Case Study of Mikey Guzman for his Horror Death of Child Abuse at New York--- Bidita Rahman

Case Study of Mikey Guzman for his Horror Death of Child Abuse at New York--- Bidita Rahman

Child abuse is depressive words where children lost their identity and suffer emotional damage in their new world. It is a serious issue. Federal legislation guides States by identifying a minimum set of acts or behavior that define child abuse and neglect. The Federal Child Abuse Prevention an Treatment Act (CAPTA) (42 U.S.C.A. 5106g), as amended by the Act of 2010, defines child abuse and neglect as a minimum:

·        “Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation”; or

·        “An act or failure to act which present an imminent risk of serious harm. “by American children are suffering from a hidden epidemic of child abuse and neglect.

This definition of child abuse and neglect refers especially to parents and other caregivers. A “child” under this definition means a person who is younger than age 18 or who is not an emancipated minor.

According to Federal law, Physical abuse and neglecting child indicating physical injury (beating, kicking, biting, stabbing, burning) and failure of a parent or caregiver to provide for a child’s basic needs (Physical, medical, educational and emotional). Sexual abuse (incest, rape, sodomy, exploitation) and emotional abuse (criticism, threats or rejection) also maltreat types of identified by the research analysis. Studies have found and neglected children to be at least 25% more likely to experience problems such as delinquency, teen pregnancy, low academic achievement, drug use and mental health problems. One study showed that by 21, as many as 80% of the abused met diagnostic criteria for a psychiatric disorder such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and suicide attempts. The U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Statistics has reported that 10% of men and 50% of women who incarcerate have been physically or sexually abused as a child. Also, about 12 % of those in jail have lived in a foster home or institution. A National Institute of Justice Study observed “abused and neglected children were 11 times more likely to be arrested for criminal behavior as a juvenile, 2.7 times more likely to be arrested for violent and criminal conduct as an adult.

According to Child Abuse Statistics and Facts, 2015 there are some issues given below about the child abuse ratio:

Approximately five children die every day because of child abuse.

1.     1 out of 3 girls and 1 out of 5 boys will sexually abuse before they reach age 18.

2.     In 2012, 82.2% of child abuse perpetrators were found to be between the ages of 19-44, of which 39.6% were recorded to be between the ages of 25-34.

3.     2,9 million cases of child abuse are reported every year in the United States,

National child abuse estimates are well known for being under-reported. The latest 2015 Child Maltreatment Report from the children’s Bureau published in January 2017. The reposts show an increase in child abuse referrals forms 2.6 million to 4 million. The number is quite shocking. The number of children involved subsequently to 7.2 million from 6.6 million. The report also indicates an increase in child deaths from abuse and neglect to 1,670 in 2015 up from 1,580 in 2014.

The important point for ACS (Administration for children’s services) is responsible for the protection and wellness of the City’s children’s, youth, and families through the provision of quality child welfare, juvenile justices, and early child care and educational services.

In the case of Mikey Guzman, this is completely a case of child abuse and torture. The family troubled, a parent found to be abusive and addicted that refers to the past incident occurred and investigation done by the ACS was essential but investigated was lost the merit of the examination. Several times cases opened against the family of Mikey’s siblings when the city agency found the child abuse they should take the children away, but didn’t. In that case, if they would take children’s away from the parents, they would be many alerts about the children’s health and would be cautioned. It problem arise probably of the investigator lack of knowledge, irresponsible judgment and ignoring the facts and that made the abuse children continuing to live with the family which was at the risk of danger. Moreover, ultimately nation loss of children because of negligence. On the other hand, when the mother saw that the children’s trouble breathing that time she needs to call emergency medical service right away and could save the child alive.

Based on the case study, both ACS and Parent/ Caregivers involve with the fail in their responsibility and through the child out of the world. Children’s are coming in this world with the new feelings, and they learn the emotional and intelligence part from this world in a peaceful mood but the shoddier environment and involvement through their out of the mistreated world where they feel unsafe and incapable of getting out. Children abuse is not only the family level problem; it is a problem of school, city, neighborhood, state, and country. Many people who treated severely from their family and they retreat their old behavior to their children’s again and again like an abusive cycle. Why does it happen? The reason is lack of socialization, lack of empathy, lack of involvement with family and lack of acceptance. In future, this case of domestic violence should be taken care by investigation very seriously with extremely consideration of the fact impartial an neutral judgment. 

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