Case Study
?The Challenge
We had a requirement at our Eastbrook Studios project to hire an individual who could support Martin Blundell, our Health & Safety Manager and the project team, as it was evident additional resource was necessary.?
After several unsuccessful interviews, we changed our tactic and decided we weren’t necessarily looking for a fully qualified experienced person, as we were happy to offer the training required to undertake the role, as from our perspective; the attitude and commitment of the individual was more important; as we all know softer competencies and possessing the correct attitude is paramount.
Maxine Orvis was approached by Josephine King, having seen the advert, and applied for the role.? Josie’s CV stood out immediately as she was a few months into a L3 SHE apprenticeship programme.? RHG was identified as the apprenticeship delivery provider.? Following on from meetings with RHG, the apprenticeship programme met with our requirements.? Josie was then interviewed, and we felt she would ‘fit’ well into the role and the team.? However, there was a problem.? Risk.? We had never delivered this type of apprentice programme and needed to mitigate the risk.? Enter, JBT.? JBT are a flexi-apprenticeship training agency.?
The Response
VFL became the host which meant Josie worked at Eastbrook Studios 4-days a week, embedding the theory of her SHE apprenticeship programme within a ‘real time live’ environment and continued her learning through RHG one day a week.? JBT became the managing agent, responsible for payroll and maintaining Josie’s progression whilst also providing on-going support for both the learner and VFL.
The Results
Josie has done a fantastic job.? She has completed all assignments, and her End Point Assessment (EPA) is scheduled May 24.? She’s no longer in contract and is now a permanent employee, migrating to CP7 in May.? Great result!?
Josie King: Completing an apprenticeship includes on the job learning as well as coming away with a qualification to develop my career. I had no previous experience within construction or H&S, but starting this apprenticeship in 2023 means I’m now close to calling myself a H&S Coordinator and becoming fully qualified at Tech IOSH level. I’ve been able to fully imbed myself into the apprenticeship and job role working at Eastbrook studios, learning a lot in a small amount of time.
Martin Blundell:? Eastbrook Studios is an extremely busy project with a tight programme, delivering over a two-year period. Estimated number of personnel on site has now reached 600. Having another set of H&S’s eyes on the ground, offering support to myself has ensured we don’t fall behind on safety critical documentation and the safe running of the project. Without her help, the Project would have fallen far behind, which would potentially lead to internal and external noncompliance, set out by the business and HSE.
Transferable Solutions
This has proved to be a successful result that has benefited all involved.? The training providers, the individual and of course the business.? By working with both RHG and JBT, which was invaluable, it gave us the correct solution to our requirements and is proof that collaboration achieves positive outcomes.
This proven model works, and I encourage our business to consider this type of delivery programme, as I will certainly continue to work in this way wherever possible as it allows us to bring in a very much needed future talent to the business, whilst building strong professional working partnerships. ??