Case Study: Learning a language builds confidence with colleagues
Corinium Language Associates
Multilingual Recruitment | Business Language Training & Assessment | Translation | Intercultural Training
Learning a language brings benefits beyond simply being able to communicate with colleagues, as HR professional Sarah discovered when she took up German.
Sarah joined a major German energy company five-and-a-half years ago, and for the last two years has been the sole UK-based member of her team.
She has a daily morning meeting with her colleagues via Teams, and while they all speak excellent English, and she can use subtitles when they are speaking German, Sarah wanted to converse with them in their native language. She also visits Germany two or three times a year and, again, felt it was important to be able to meet and greet her German colleagues in their own language.
Feeling part of the team
So, a year ago, Sarah decided to brush up her A-level German and soon found learning the language brought benefits beyond just being able to communicate; it helped her feel more part of the team.
Initially, Sarah just used a language app provided by the company, and she and some other UK-based colleagues, who were also trying to learn, got together over coffee to practise their skills.
However, as Sarah quickly discovered, this wasn’t getting her far. “We were all at different levels, so speaking together wasn’t working that well, and people would be embarrassed or worry if they got it wrong. The app was useful but it wasn’t enough.”
So, Sarah contacted Corinium Language Associates, who her company has been working with for 20 years.? We paired her with our bilingual German/English tutor, Stefanie, who began teaching Sarah in person, for an hour a week. Once a month, they are joined by another of Sarah’s colleagues who is also learning German.
Sarah’s grasp of German has greatly improved, and Stef says she has an excellent German accent. Sarah is even considering (along with her colleague) taking a German exam.
Strengthening relationships with colleagues
Being able to converse with colleagues in their own language has made Sarah’s job more enjoyable, and helped her to feel more part of the team. It has strengthened her relationship with colleagues, as they appreciate what she is trying to do. She can now chat more easily on a social level, and German television shows are often a topic of conversation!
“My teacher and I talk about day-to-day things and have recommended each other German TV shows, and then I can chat to my colleagues about them too.”
Sarah highly recommends that anyone learning a language should engage a tutor.
Don’t worry about mistakes
“Having a teacher gives you the confidence to try, and not be embarrassed to try. The Germans appreciate you having a go, and if you make a mistake they don’t mind. Stef is very engaging and very enthusiastic and you can see her enjoyment coming through. I want to keep learning as long as the company is happy to fund my lessons.
“If you can have lessons face-to-face, it has huge benefits, and if you can have more than one of you in a session it is even better.
“Using an app to keep you topped up will definitely help, but if I had carried on with just an app, I wouldn’t have progressed as far. It takes you to a certain point, but you need that human interaction.”
And was having a German A-level important?
“I hadn’t used my German for 25 years, but having the A-level was at least a starting point. I think I would probably have learned the language anyway, because I could see the benefits.”
Do you work in a team or a business alongside colleagues who speak another language? Would you like to be able to converse easily, to help build your confidence and your relationships with co-workers? Then why not get in touch to find out more.