Case Study: How One Realtor Got 164 Seller Leads in 14-Days.
Plus, a bonus case study where we got another realtor 10 seller leads in less than 48 hours!
Hey there everybody!
In this short case study I'm going to be sharing with you two quick case studies from real estate clients who are absolutely crushing it with their lead generation so let's jump right in!
The first case study is how is able to generate 24 total leads and 10 seller leads for a real estate agent Pennsylvania in just about 48 hours!
Case study number two: how we generated 235 total leads and 165 seller leads for a real estate office in New York in just about 14 days!
Now real quick I acknowledge that there's these kind of results kind of unheard of for most realtor's and I'm gonna prove it all to you in a moment but before I do that allow me to introduce myself very briefly.
My name is Paul Corral I've been generating leads online for local service based businesses for just over a decade now and in the last several years I've started to specialize in creating exclusive seller leads for real estate agents all across the United States in markets both big and small.
That's what has led to the launch of the Hot Properties Newsletter which is dedicated to serving realtor's the highest quality exclusive leads better than anybody else!
Enough about me let's jump into those case studies!
Case study number one the 48-hour case study in Pennsylvania real quick came out of the gate strong with 24 total leads and 10 of those leads are seller lead.
If you look at my clients inbox (in the video), you see up in the right-hand corner you see 24 emails right there and as you look down the email you're gonna see 10 of them that say "for sale", those are seller leads who are looking for a listing agent raising their hand, submitted their contact information and saying, "Yes please! Contact me immediately!"
The second case study is our client from New York who's generated about 345 leads at this point in the game, 165 which are seller leads! Property owners looking for a listing agent who want to be contacted immediately!
If you take a look at the numbers there Images in video), first, take a look at the dates: 1st through the 15th I actually think that this one didn't really get launched until almost the fifth but that's alright first to the 15th is close enough and we have 345 total leads coming in the front and then 165 down there at the bottom hitting the confirmation page those are your seller leads pretty cool stuff again!
If you want fresh leads each and every day let me show you what we do because we use a unique proprietary methodology and proven campaigns to do this.
We're in the unique position of being able to guarantee results so if you're wondering how did I do this, well I did it the same exact way for both clients!
It's a simple 3-step process I'll walk you through right now...
Step 1: We have prospects raise their hands and ask to be put on a notification list for when properties become available.
Step 2: Once they subscribe we qualify and identify which subscribers are also selling and looking for a listing agent.
Step 3: we also entice seller leads to book a call with you and talk with you or someone on your team immediately!
Now can you see why this is so powerful?
Because this is a notification list these leads aren't just hot today, they're giving you permission and actually asking you to contact them when you have new listings. So not only are you getting seller leads who want to talk right now you're also building a massive database for future listings as well!
Can you imagine having a list that gets more and more powerful over time?
How's that for a win-win? Not bad right?
I mean you think about it, you know you don't have to do the whole dropping flyers in mailboxes thing, or cold calling or hounding friends and family for referrals anymore!
Now you may be wondering how many of Leads can we generate for you on a daily basis?
The answer is pretty much as many as you want or more accurately as many as your office can handle right now.
So if you're interested in learning more and you're ready to get hot fresh exclusive leads sent straight to your inbox in real time each and every day I'd like to invite you to a quick phone call to see if it's a good fit for you.
Now I should tell you that we only work with one office per town or suburb and we work with our clients on a first-come first-served basis so here's what to do now...
Click the book a call button below it'll take you over to the calendar page and book a convenient day and time to have that call.
It's a quick 15 minutes and if it's a good fit we'll start sending you leads in the next 48 hours and if not, we'll par as friends. We're not into high-pressure sales tactics here because as you can imagine someone in your area is going to want this guaranteed because it's an amazing deal.
The calls free with absolutely no obligations and I want to recap quickly...
If you want seller leads in serious volume then book a call now because I'm telling you this is how you become a top producer! So click the button and book your call now!
I'll look forward to talking to you soon have a great day!