Case study : The hardness of Pulse Laser Welding
Stephan Thiemonds
German Ambassador for Pulse Laser Welding Technology - where Passion meets Profession | Professional facts & Fantastic fictions
Which hardness (HRC) can be reached ?
This case study was recently investigated by DSI Thailand Laser-Welding-Academy . In cooperation with third party Thai-German Institute (TGI), Arun jeangsrijaroen and German Welding Society DVS – Deutscher Verband für Schwei?en und verwandte Verfahren e. V. SLV Hannover, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerd Kuscher .
Case study steps :
1.) Test plate welded by DSI Laser Service (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. according pWPS (preliminary Welding Procedure Specification)
Base Material : Carbon steel S45C / JIS G4051
Filler Material : DSI M 10PLUS dia. 0.6mm (selected form "DSI-Wire" program)
Test plate deposition welding : 3 layers
2.) Examined by third party Thai-German Institute (TGI), Arun jeangsrijaroen
2.1.) Macro-Cross Section
2.2.) Hardness (HRC) / Base Material / HAZ / Pulse Laser Weld
3.) Examination results double checked by German Welding Society, at DVS SLV Hannover.
4.) Quality proved : ? pWPS became WPS
Remarkable conclusion :
The Pulse Laser Weld reached a Rockwell Hardness of 66.9HRC by using DSI M10PLUS filler material.
Questions & Answers :
Q : Why PLWelding can provide such a hight hardness ?
A : Because of Welding with Pulse Light and its Speed - Within a split of a second : Check the movies : 1.) Original speed 2.) Thermo camera 3.) Super-slow speed camera
Q : Why PLWelding can provide all its Unique Advantages ?
A : Because the whole welding process is happened on "The tiny-giant Playground" which is unreachable for any other welding, cladding or spraying method.
More questions ? Answers ?? [email protected]
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