Case Study - Fracture Repair
Christchurch Veterinary Referrals
Independent Veterinary Surgical Referral Centre
Shane Morrison - Lead Surgeon Christchurch Veterinary Referrals (CVR)
Patient Details
Sustained proximal radial fracture and distal ulna fracture following a fall.
Repaired using a Veterinary Instrumentation 1mm system clover leaf plate on the radial fracture and a cuttable plate on the distal ulna fracture.
Referred to us by local Vet
Only with us for one day and night.
Was happy and made comfortable recovery.
Suggested 6 weeks strict exercise restrictions.
Full referral report provided to referring practice on day of surgery to ensure continued involvement of vet in patients recovery.
In house veterinary physiotherapy provided before discharge by our resident veterinary physio therapist, Julia Hewitson .
Pre Op X Ray
Post Op X Ray
For more information regarding this procedure or how to organise a referral from your practice, please contact on
01473 230 999
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