Case Study: Conquering The CPG Market With First-Party Data for Offline Consumers

Case Study: Conquering The CPG Market With First-Party Data for Offline Consumers

As a CPG marketer, you understand just how invaluable real-time data is to understand your shoppers. The planned?phase out of third-party cookies?in the coming years is already creating pressure on marketing leaders to shift to first-party sources. However, balancing the needs of privacy protection, value creation for shoppers, and accessible data acquisition is a big challenge. In fact, one study found that given these changes, nearly?sixty percent of marketing leaders?believe that effectively collecting first-party data will be even more difficult this year.

Solving the first party data equation can?unlock greater personalization. Over the next few years, figuring out how to effectively gather and implement this data for engaging customer experience will be what sets apart great CPG brands from good ones.

One promising solution to the data issue is adding data acquisition touch points that occur during offline shopper engagements — with products, in-stores, and more.?QR technology acts as a front door into the actions of shoppers in the physical world, and also a prime opportunity to gather data on how shoppers interact with products.

Flowcode bridges the gap between offline consumers and digital experiences using QR technology.?At every step, Flowcode enables brands to collect data on scans, views, clicks, and conversions that provide a window into shopper habits in real time. Top CPGs have realized the value of harnessing the Flowcode data platform: over 70% of the Fortune 1000 trust Flowcode as their offline first-party data provider. Why? We offer real time analytics reporting and the most consumer privacy compliant solution on the market.

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The death of the cookie

First-party data is more valuable than ever?

Data fuels personalization. Customized experiences have?become an expectation among today’s shoppers, but are anchored by valuable data about customer preferences and behavior.?Google’s plan to sunset third-party cookies?in 2024 is an impending challenge to companies still relying on it as their primary data source. Brands need new methods for collecting relevant zero- and first-party data that are?both actionable and privacy-compliant. Without it, enabling personalized and immersive experiences for shoppers becomes hugely challenging and inefficient.?

Michele Choi,?Associate Partner at Mckinsey, explains what brands should be focused on.?She states that reducing reliance on 3rd party data “will also require offering consumers something of value in return for their data and building trust that this information will be used in secure ways.” In an initial test, one company achieved a 40% improvement in its return on ad spend by using first-party data to model and target online audiences that looked like its known best consumers".

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Add privacy compliant data collection to every offline shopper touchpoint

QR codes add a digital footprint to any physical product or in-store experience.?Flowcode QR codes share real-time customer data on scans, clicks, and demographic information for direct marketing attribution and customer insights. This information is invaluable to understanding audiences, and therefore building upon knowledge for future campaigns.

Strategy #1: Create an offline data feedback loop

Flowcode digitizes every step of the customer journey, providing insight into how shoppers engage with brands when it matters most. Brands gain instant visibility into valuable insights, like how and when shoppers engage with their product in-store, which resources customers explore from home, and how to provide direct attribution and testing capabilities on OOH marketing campaigns. With Flowcode, you can unlock insights into high-intent conversion or repurchase moments in real time.

Taking it one step further,?Flowpages?– personalized link pages that Flowcodes can drive to – provide insight on customer’s views, clicks, and conversions. Data on which products or product information matter most to a customer provides a window into how and when they engage with products to drive smarter decisions.?

When combined, Flowcode and Flowpage provide direct insight into how users engage offline and online with brand products and resources. This data is also segmented by time (of day and week), device type, and location.?

Advanced analytics provide even more granular insights, including 1:1 attribution on data reporting. One major TV activation by a leading CPG brand saw?45% of its audience opting into real-time geographic information?sharing, providing household-level insights for nearly half of its audience.?

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Strategy #2: Uphold consumer privacy to build trust

Today’s shoppers are becoming?increasingly aware and concerned?about their privacy rights. QR providers have a big role to play in upholding consumer privacy laws. Flowcode is the only?CCPA, GDPR, and SOC2 compliant?platform, ensuring adherence to critical consumer privacy protections.?

At Flowcode, we understand the uncertainty people feel around interacting with codes, and intentionally make our privacy guarantees as obvious as possible. First, we make it pretty easy to recognize our safe codes anywhere – just look for our iconic circular codes and the Flowcode name right there on it.

When anyone encounters a Flowcode, we’re as transparent as possible. On every Flowcode, you’ll see our ‘Privacy Smile’ ( right there. Why do we do this? We see our privacy policy as a badge of trust, and highlight our promise at the point of collection on every code. This means anyone can read our privacy policy at their discretion before they scan, empowering people to understand their rights and make informed decisions.

In order to win over today's customers, brands must think beyond investing in traditional channels to realize growth. Flowcode's CPG partners effectively meet customers where they are and drive immediate results with effective brand engagements and real-time conversions.

The challenge of maintaining both offline and online channels can create a huge competition for time and resources for CPGs. To keep up with changing consumer demands, finding a solution that bridges offline and online investments creates efficiencies and proven results. Harness QR technology to unify your channels in a way that works for consumers and your business.

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