Case Study and Analysis on Big Data

Case Study and Analysis on Big Data

How this Big Data problem generate in industry ??

In the today's social media world big companies like facebook , instragram etc have lots of data of users in the form of user's information , user's posts, users's images etc so these companies need storage of ZB and more beyond of storage whatever storage have in storage appliances like Dell EMC , AWS , IBM etc in the world. So this Problem is known as Big Data.

I would like to explain some of the problems of Big Data:-


Volume is biggest problem in the Big Data world in today at front of Social Media Companies. In this problem , where we have big units of data but we have less units of storage (Hard Disk).


Velocity(I/O operations) is one another biggest problem in the Big Data world , that is we have to execute the lots of data from storage (Hard Disk) to RAM and for permanently store the data from RAM to storage , in this process it takes lots of time .

Problems in Big Data

-> For solving the problems of volume and velocity in Big Data , Distributed Storage concepts come in industry .

Distributed Storage

Companies use distributed storage for storing the Big Data into lots of commodity hardware at low cost. They create a own distributed storage cluster , in which lots of slaves and masters where main data is present .

-> Analysis on Big data on some big forms basically social media platform like Facebook , instagram :-

Facebook data analysis
  • There are approx 1.49 billion active users.
  • Facebook adds 500,000 new users every day; 6 new profiles per second .
  • Hive is Facebook’s data warehouse, with 300 petabytes of data.
  • Facebook generates 4 new petabytes of data per day.
  • Users generate 4 million likes every minute.
  • More than 250 billion photos have been uploaded to Facebook.
  • equates to 350 million photos per day.
  • Facebook now sees 100 million hours of daily video watch time.

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