Case studies of Easy-Easier Posting Box From a Teacher of VI: North West England
Gwyneth McCormack
Director Positive Eye Ltd: Providing courses & resources for professionals working with children/young people VI/SEN
“I have been working with a young boy with a severe visual impairment for over a year. He is now in year 5 and we have started to have meetings about his transition to high school. This little boy is very independent- he plays football for the team, is very bright and confident. I have recently started to have conversations with him about how we might help him in the future. His response is usually typical for a boy of his age- I’m alright'. Today I used your easy/easier posting box. I expected him to place all the cards in the easy side' but to my surprise he placed 13 in the ‘I want to find it easier side! In addition to this he also decided to make a middle pile for areas he would like to get better at before high school. This led to an excellent conversation about areas that I could help with and areas where he could help himself. Some of the things he wants to find easier I found very surprising such as finding his coat peg, this is something I check for with younger children but completely overlooked with him. I had gained more useful information through this activity than I usually do in full vision assessments. I think I will use this in all of my future assessments.”